Minutes for 20 February 2008 URW3 Meeting



  1. Approve minutes from previous meeting. Note, the minutes are linked from http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/#Minutes
  2. Review status of action items from previous meeting
  3. Editing team report on status of final report and completion status of work assignments
  4. Discussion of conclusions and recommendations
  5. Discuss path to completion of final report, including wiki to html conversion, issues tracking, and finalizing the report
  6. Other business

Scribe:  Kathryn Laskey

Discussion summary:

  1. Approve minutes from previous meeting. 

    Minutes from previous meeting approved.

  2. Review status of action items from previous meeting

    Previous Action 1: Ken to investigate how to use Tracker and share with rest of us.

    Done. A URW3 Tracker instance has been set up. Ken sent out an email explaining how to use Tracker.  

    Previous Action 2: Kathy, Peter and Mitch to meet by phone to do speaker use case and go over uncertainty ontology.

    Done. Meeting occurred, we discussed ontology, and made some minor changes. We agreed that uncertainty annotations support automated processing of web resources.  Peter attached a refined ontology to a use case.

    Previous Action 3:  Mitch to continue working on the speaker use case.

    Done. Speaker use case is essentially complete, but did not attach UncAnn tags.  Action 1: Mitch to add UncAnn tags to speaker use case.

    Previous Action 4:  Thomas will follow up with Vipul and get firm date to flesh out medical use case.

    Done. Vipul has filled in use case.

    Previous Action 5:   Ernesto and other contributors to hold recommendation and appointment making have a conference call.

    Still trying to hold telecon. Action item carried over as Action 2

    Previous Action 6:  Editors bug authors of use cases to annotate them.

    The editors have been bugging people; will get to status later.

    Previous Action 7:   Editing team have telecon to decide recommendation for content and presentation of section 5.

    Suggestion was make to include links to the wiki in the final report rather than putting them all into the html document. Some use cases are quite complete in the wiki page, but not in the final report. Ken asked for specific instructions on what to do with use cases. Action 3: Editing team to send instructions with a link to a good use case with annotations, and say to please make yours look like this.  

    Previous Action 8: Mitch to set up wiki pages for benefits and recommendations and send emails requesting discussion.

    Done. Mitch started a wiki page for benefits and recommendations. No one has contributed.

    Previous Action 9:  Ken will page-scrape today's wiki report and save it.

    Done. Ken printed it to a pdf file and sent to editing team.
  3. Editing team report on status of final report and completion status of work assignments

  4. Discussion of conclusions and recommendations.

  5. Discuss path to completion of final report, including wiki to html conversion, issues tracking, and finalizing the report

  6. Other business
  7. None.

Meeting was adjourned.

Action items

  1. ACTION (1): Mitch to add UncAnn tag to speaker use case.
  2. ACTION (2):  Kathy to set up appointment and recommendation use cases telecon with authors of those use cases.
  3. ACTION (3): Paulo and the rest of the editing team to point to specific example of how use case should look for section 5. 
  4. ACTION (4): Paulo seek copyright permission to include excerpts from book chapter.
  5. ACTION (5): Ken to remove write permissions from wiki pages after March 2.
  6. ACTION (6): Paulo on behalf of editing team to follow up coming up with section 5 format by sending format to all use case authors, with email pointing to specific weak points or omissions in use case that needs to be addressed.
  7. ACTION (7): Trevor to go through IRC log and make first stab at pulling together a coherent view of discussion