Minutes for 23 January 2008 URW3 Meeting



  1. Approve minutes from previous meeting.  Note, the minutes are linked from http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/#Minutes.
  2. Review status of action items from previous meeting.
  3. Editing team report on plan for final report
    1. Editing team goes over plan
    2. Editing team goes over work assignments
    3. XG agrees to plan (modified if necessary) and acknowledges assignments
  4. Discuss issues tracking for final report.
    1. Review actions in response to last telecon action items
    2. Review proposed issues tracking tool and procedure
  5. Other business

Scribe: Thomas Lukasiewicz

Discussion summary:

  1. Approve minutes from previous meeting:

    Minutes from previous meeting were approved.

  2. Review status of action items from previous meeting

    Action 1: Editing team will provide an email indicating what they need and/or designating people. Done.

  3. Action 2: Everyone to review final report by next meeting to become familiar again with what it looks like and what inputs are needed. Hopefully done.

    Action 3: Kathy to do linking with references she added to the reference list. Done: Kathy fixed error in reference and put in appropriate reference (she linked Clemen's book on http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/wiki/OpenIssues). More to be added as we do the final report.

    Action 4:Kathy will put up a page linked from 'UncAnn' to describe annotation purpose. Done: Kathy annotated appointment making use case before last telecon. This time she prefixed the annotations with UncAnn. This links to http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/wiki/UncAnn, which explains what we are doing with annotations. Peter has put UncAnn into top-k and extraction use case. Mike says that now it is accomplished what he suggested.

    Action 5: Kathy will fix the appointment use case annotation. Done.

    Action 6: Ken will look into how to use Tracker for when editing team takes ownership of HTML version. Done; email giving options discussed in agenda item 4. Anne Cregan said Tracker is very easy to use.

    Action 7:Ken will give a tutorial on issue tracking tools for the next meeting. Discussed in agenda item 4.

    Action 8:Mitch will annotate the speaker use case: Mitch started but hadn't finished (Mitch is working on this; he is adding something on fuzzy uncertainty; he needs to finish the ontology, and see whether something else needs to be added). Mitch may be extending the uncertainty ontology. Kathy said that if there is a change that affects already annotated use cases, then we'll discuss it (via email), agree on it, and change all the affected annotations. Peter made some anchors to sentence and agent; he split epistemic to human and machine.

  4. Editing committee report on status of final report:
  5. Paulo is going over his plan. He made a table of deadlines for freezing assignments, freezing the wiki version, and finalizing the report. He also made a table of assignments. People need to add the descriptions of their use cases. So far, we have only one, for use case #5. Giorgos added a short description. At the next telecon, we need to decide which use cases are in and which will be dropped. By Friday, we are finalizing assignments. Mitch asked about use cases with 3 contributors and no author. Kathy says that we should make sure that we keep use cases that have unique requirements. Paulo says that we may just mention and do what we can with use cases lacking a writer. Ken suggests to contact people who were the experts in the use cases, and if we want to keep a use case, then we should contact and ask specifically. Mitch says that we should clarify what C means in the matrix, i.e., whether the C's will be authors, and otherwise drop them if they do not make a commitment. Kathy says that everyone needs to acknowledge their assignments to the editing team. Kathy says that everyone should acknowledge by Friday or change their assignment. Mitch will be adding the speaker use case as Section 5.16 (which is currently missing); Paulo will add its heading (done during the telecon).

  6. Discuss issues tracking for final report:

  7. Ken sent an email suggesting we track issues in wiki rather than getting up to speed on Tracker. But Anne said Tracker is actually pretty easy. Ken built a wiki page suggesting it as a way to track issues. Kathy says that if we are going to use Tracker then we need an email to w3c sys team so that they can install it; major questions are what should be publicly available and what should be private. Kathy says that we need a procedure in place to capture issues and make sure they are responded to; wiki tables are cumbersome and hard to use. Kathy says that there seems to be agreement that we should give Tracker a shot.

  8. Other Business

    No other business.

Meeting was adjourned.

Action items

ACTION (1): Everyone respond to editing team by Friday 25 January accepting or declining assignments.

ACTION (2): Ken to ask for tracker instance to be set up for XG.

ACTION (3): Mitch to continue working (carried from action 8).

ACTION (4): Thomas to ask Vipul to flesh out medical use case by certain date.