ACTION-35: Follow up with Evan, see if July 1st date to talk about microblogging works.

Follow up with Evan, see if July 1st date to talk about microblogging works.

pending review
Karl Dubost
Due on:
June 17, 2009
Created on:
June 10, 2009
Related emails:
  1. Telecon minutes 2009-06-17 (from on 2009-06-17)
  2. Telecon minutes 2009-06-17 (from on 2009-06-17)

Related notes:

Contacted Evan Prodomou, waiting for an answer.

Karl Dubost, 17 Jun 2009, 13:27:21

[karl]: seny a message to Evan about joining the July 1st call. No answer yet. Will followup in 2 days in no answer.

17 Jun 2009, 13:31:21

Display change log.

Dan Brickley <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Harry Halpin <>, Chairs, Coralie Mercier <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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