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RDFa Inside Category

This category contains all pages that have embedded RDF (RDFa using SafeHTML() macros) inside.


1. List of pages in this category

2. Resources

3. Example Queries

3.1. FOAF: Name and mail of a person

PREFIX  foaf: <>

SELECT ?name ?mail
       ?x  foaf:name  ?name ;
       foaf:mbox  ?mail .

3.2. DC: Author and subject info of a page

PREFIX  dc: <>

       ?page dc:creator  ?person ;
             dc:subject  ?topics .

3.3. GEO, FOAF: Position of a person

PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX geo: <> 

SELECT ?person ?prop ?val
       ?person foaf:based_near ?loc .
       ?loc ?prop ?val .

3.4. DC, FOAF: Author and subject info of a page

PREFIX  dc: <>
PREFIX  foaf: <>

       ?page dc:creator  ?person .
       ?person foaf:name  ?name ;
               foaf:mbox  ?mail .

Note: This query works only on a merged RDF graph, i.e. using the experimental feature category-based harvesting of the RDFa In Wiki Interface (RiWi). This feature allows you to specify a category wiki page (as e.g. this one) and automatically creates a merged RDF graph of all its pages (actually of all the embedded RDFa).