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W3C Incubator Activity

W3C Geospatial Incubator Group > Geospatial Ontology Work


As enabling technologies for the Semantic Web have developed, such as RDF, OWL, SPARQL, and SWRL, much work has been done to build the ontologies required for expressing the common elements of disparate knowledge artifacts. This is particularly true in the realm of geospatial and temporal concepts and relationships, yet the work has not yet reached a level of either consensus or actionability which would allow it to be the basis of knowledge interoperability. In other words, it is not yet ready to support the functionality of a Geospatial Semantic Web, where the geographic properties of knowledge resources can be expressed, discovered, acted upon by machines, and understood by diverse communities.


Geospatial Feature Ontology

Basic Feature Type Ontology

Spatial Relationship Ontology

Toponym Ontology

Coordinate Reference System and Spatial Quadrature Ontology

Geospatial Metadata Ontology

Geospatial Web Services Ontology


Enabling Technology



Joshua Lieberman, Geospatial Incubator Group Chair
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