W3C W3C Incubator Report

Long description of Figure 8: Nodeset data-bound custom controls using SVG

Figure 8 is a graphical flow chart, illustrating data-bound custom controls using SVG markup and XForms repeat elements.

The UI control is represented by a green triangle, which is labeled: "xf:repeat". From this triangle two bi-directional arrows flow; one, labeled "Nodeset data binding lifecycle", points to a circular graphic, labeled "Category Totalsl". The second bi-directional arrow binds the xf:repeat triangle to an SVG generator, which is represented by a screen-shot of a piechart. The data rows to be displayed as slices of the piechart are represented by additional green triangles labeled as xf:group elements with the caption: "Set of rows bound to model data to be graphed".

Return to the text immediately following Figure 8.

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