graphic with four colored squares
Cover page images (keys)

W3C Process 101

Sandro Hawke,

99% borrowed from Dan Connolly's Rules Workshop talk

See also:

$Revision: 1.8 $ of $Date: 2005/12/08 08:35:27 $

W3C Core Values

Goal: Technology Deployment

The Evolutionary Cycle

cycle diagram

Community Scale

Nuts and Bolts

I'm just a bill...

Process is based on experience. For each rule in the process, there is a story of what happened before that rule was there. e.g. 8 week notice for meetings is based on 4 weeks to find the relevant people in an organization and 4 weeks to buy an advance ticket.

See also: process diagram.

Semi-formal preparation

Activity Creation/Modification (W3C Decision)

Activity Proposal from Director/Team to Membership

Membership responds with advice

Director announces Decision, allocating resources (or not)

Working Group, toward Last Call

Story Telling and Test Cases

Last Call
"We Think We're Done"

Candidate Recommendation
"Implementations, Please!"

Proposed Recommendation
