W3C Process: A Means to an End

Dan Connolly
W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability
Washington, DC 27-28 Apr 2005

See also:

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W3C Core Values

The End: Technology Deployment

Web Architecture

Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One
W3C Recommendation 15 December 2004

These are the minimally constraining design guidelines that allowed the Web to spread the way it did: a little a time, with each new bit benefitting from the rest of the Web.

Observations about People and Technology

The Evolutionary Cycle

cycle diagram

Community Scale

Nuts and Bolts

I'm just a bill...

Process is based on experience. For each rule in the process, I could probably tell you a story of what happened before that rule was there. e.g. 8 week notice for meetings is based on 4 weeks to find the relevant people in an organization and 4 weeks to buy an advance ticket.

See also: process diagram.

Semi-formal preparation

Activity Creation/Modification (W3C Decision)

Activity Proposal from Director/Team to Membership

Membership responds with advice

Director announces Decision, allocating resources (or not)

Working Group, toward Last Call

Story Telling and Test Cases

Last Call

Candidate Recommendation

Proposed Recommendation
