W3C and WAI Overview


Daniel Dardailler

W3C Director for Europe


W3C Exec Summary

The International Web Standardization Organization,
creator of HTML, XML, HTTP, Web Services, Semantic Web technologies, WAI Guidelines, etc.

Web technologies

w3c work

How does W3C work ?

End results: Working Drafts and Recommendations

rec track linear diagram

WAI in Brief

WAI logo

Disability Design

Essential Components of Web Accessibility

WAI specs

Activities and Groups

1. Technology Protocols and Formats WG
2. Guidelines Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WG (2.0 in last call)
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines WG (2.0 in last call)
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines WG
3. Tools Evaluation and Repair Tools WG
4. Education and Outreach WAI Interest Group
Education and Outreach WG
5. Research and Development Research and Development IG

Benefits of Web Accessibility Standard Harmonization

How do we address fragmentation ?

Public Resources