Floor Control

The extra communication channel that IRC provides can be used as a minimal replacement for gestures or other non-audio information


<John> queue+ to ask if we should remove section 1
<Zakim> I see Mary, John on the speaker queue
<Bob-chair> ack John
<Zakim> John, you wanted to ask if we should removesection 1
<Zakim> I see Mary on the speaker queue
<Al-scribe> John: Yes, I really think we should removethe section...
<Bob-chair> queue?
<Zakim> I see Mary on the speaker queue


hand up: #41

hand down: #40

* Zakim hears Mary raise a hand

Agenda Control

<John> agenda+ recommending changing section 3
* Zakim notes agendum 5 added
<John> agenda?
* Zakim sees 2 items remaining on the agenda:
* Zakim 4. solving issue #42
* Zakim 5. recommending changing section 3 [from John]
<Bob-chair> Zakim, take up agendum 5
<Zakim> agendum 5. "recommending changing section 3" 
        taken [from John]