W3C: Building the Mobile Web

Dr. Philipp Hoschka
Deputy Director for Europe/Interaction Domain Leader
W3C, France

3GSM World Congress, Cannes, France, Feb 2004

What is W3C ?

W3C Standards

W3C Mobile Work: Four Phases

Four phases of W3C mobile

The HTML Phase

The Multimedia Phase: MMS

W3C Multimedia Messaging Standards

Mobile SVG

Three SVG Mobile Pictures in a row

The Device Independence Phase: Issues

Same content transformed to various output types

Device Independence: CC/PP

Basic scenario for CC/PP usage: request and an adapted answer

Device Independence: Authoring

The Multimodal Phase: Issues

W3C Multimodal Interaction Framework

MMI Framework picture on Input

Multimodal: Speech Recognition

Multimodal: InkML

Congiguous points on a word

     <channel name="X" type="decimal">
     <channel name="Y" type="decimal">
     <channel name="S1" type="boolean" default="F"/>
     <channel name="S2" type="boolean" default="F"/>

<trace id = "4525BCD">
1125 18432'23'43"7"-8 3-5+7  -3+6+2+6 8+3+6:T;+2+4:*T;+3+6+3-6:FF;

Multimodal: EMMA

MMI Framework, with everything grayed except EMMA part

<emma:emma xmlns:emma="..." xmlns="...">
   <!-- mutually exclusive interpretations -->
      <emma:interpretation emma:id="i1" emma:confidence="0.8"> 
         <destination emma:mode="ink">Budapest</destination>
      <emma:interpretation emma:id="i2" emma:confidence="0.4">
        <destination emma:mode="ink">Bucarest</destination>

Multimodal: Conclusion

Summary: W3C as Mobile Technology Leader

W3C Membership