Normative Definitions from Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)

in section Status of This Document

in section Table of Contents

in section 1. Introduction: Data and Documents

in section Resource Descriptions

in section Faithful Renditions

in section Preface and Companion Documents

in section GRDDL Primer

in section GRDDL Use Cases

in section 2. Adding GRDDL to well-formed XML

Given an XPath[XPATH] root node N with root element E, if the expression
  and namespace-uri()=
matches an attribute of an element E, then for each space-separated token REF in the value of that attribute, the resource identified[WEBARCH] by the absolute form (see section 5.2 Relative Resolution in [RFC3986]) of REF with respect to the base URI of E is a GRDDL transformation of N. If an information resource([WEBARCH], section 2.2) IR is represented by an XML document with an XPath root node R, and R has a GRDDL transformation with a transformation property TP, and TP applied to R gives an RDF Graph G, then G is a GRDDL result of IR. If F and G are GRDDL results of IR, then the merge [RDF-MT] of F and G is also a GRDDL result of IR.

in section 3. Using GRDDL with XML Namespace Documents

If then TX is a GRDDL transformation of NODE. If an information resource IR is represented by a conforming RDF/XML document[RDFX], then the RDF graph represented by that document is a GRDDL result of IR.

in section Example: Using GRDDL with an XML Schema namespace document

in section 4. Using GRDDL with valid XHTML

in section An example Dublin Core META transformation

in section Multiple transformations in XHTML

An XHTML document whose metadata profile names include has a GRDDL transformation for each resource identified by a link of type transformation. Given an XPath root node N of an XHTML document, for each space-separated token REF in the value of the profile attribute of the head element E, the absolute form of REF with respect to the base URI of E is a metadata profile name of N. In an XHTML family document with XPath root node N, each a and link descendant E with a rel attribute is a typed link of N whose target is the resource identified by the absolute form of the href attribute with respect to the base of E and whose type is the value of the rel attribute of E.

in section 5. GRDDL for HTML Profiles

If then TX is a GRDDL transformation of NODE.

in section 6. Transformation Algorithms

If then TP relates R to G. If TXDOC is a GRDDL transformation of some node, then it has a transformation property that is a functional relationship between XPath nodes and RDF graphs.

@@This can probably be expressed in OWL in the schema rather than as a rule.

in section 7. Security considerations

in section Example: A GRDDL-aware Agent protocol trace

in section 8. The GRDDL Vocabulary

in section 9. References

in section Normative References

in section Informative references

in section Appendix: Transformations for Styling versus data extraction

in section Appendix: Issues

in section Appendix: Implementation Experience: Test Cases, Software, and Services

in section Acknowledgements and Change History

$Revision: 1.6 $ of $Date: 2007/02/16 23:41:46 $
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