XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Test Suite


This page describes the testing framework used to evaluate support for patterns in state of the art databinding implementations using our examples to generate a report.


The test suite consists entirely of voluntary contributions of tests from interested parties. We encourage all members of the community to consider contributing databinding tests they may have developed to the test suite. When contributing test materials to the test suite, it is helpful if each individual test case cites the metadata such as the existing features and message exchanges exhibited in a format suitable for adding to examples.xml, and include an example schema extract along with one or more valid instances.

If you have a databinding implementation you can participate by submitting a report of running the tests. Please also provide instructions on how the tests were run along with evidence of the databinding model in the form of generated source code and configuration.

Tests and reports may be submitted to the suite in the form of an Email sent to public-xsd-databinding@w3.org An archive is available at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsd-databinding. Submitted testcases should be released to the test suite by completing the Test Case Grant II Form. Please refer to Policies for Contribution of Test Cases to W3C for the authoritative W3C guidelines.


Passing all of the tests in the XML Schema Patterns for Databinding test suite does not by itself enable a party to claim conformance with either the Basic or Advanced XML Schema Patterns for Databinding specification. Conversely, failing to process an individual test only serves as an indication that an implementation may not conform to the databinding specification the test case exemplifies.


We evaluating a number of databinding implementations using our test suite to understand the current state of the art. In most cases our testing has been conducted independently of the toolkit authors' knowledge or assistance.


Each toolkit is assigned a unique directory, the name being based upon a combination of the product, target model, version and operating system. An xml:id name is also assigned by removing any invalid NCName characters from the directory name.

toolkits directory
common environment variables
toolkit specific metadata
toolkit specific script to generate a WSDL only containing consumable examples, generate and deploy the echo service.
generic script to run genit.sh for each individual example. Useful for determining which specific examples need to be excluded.
toolkit generated data model as HTML
A generic script to HTTP POST example instance documents to the implementation specific echo service generating a log file containing captured request and response messages. This is currently implemented in Perl, we plan to release a Java version.
toolkit specific log of captured messages generated by runit.sh

Test Reports

We are working on a process to analyze collected log files, confirm their validity and produce a report.


The Test Suite is periodically made available in the form of a single file:


Unless otherwise stated, all test cases, documents and supporting code are copyright © W3C and are licensed for use under the W3C Document License.

Paul Downey, Chair
Yves Lafon, W3C Team contact
$Date: 2008/01/30 14:22:57 $