What Can You Say About A Sentence?

@@@ change examples to { isFood(chocolate) }, has lexRep string, isAtomicSentence, has prefixFormList, has predicate, ...

1. Are they strings?

"chocolate is a food" is 19 characters long, and the first character is a "c".

2a. Are they lists of identifiers?

["chocolate", "is-a", "food"] is 3 identifiers long, and the first identifier is for a substance made from cacao.

2b. Are they lists of things?

[chocolate, is_a, food] is a list of three things; the first thing is a substance.

3a. Are they relationships between identifiers?

{ subject: chocolate; predicate: is_a; object: food } is an object with three attributes; its "subject" attribute is an identifier for a substance.

3b. Are they relationships between things?

{ subject: chocolate; predicate: is_a; object: food } is an object with three attributes; its "subject" attribute a substance.

We don't really need to pick one, because we can convert between the forms. But we should try to keep track of which form we're using. When in doubt, fall back to (1).