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Agenda of 30 May 2006 TAG teleconference

Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive

  1. Administrative

    Chair: Vincent, Scribe: Ed

    Roll call -- Regrets: Henry

    Propose next teleconference: 6 June, appoint scribe: propose Dave

    Approve minutes of last teleconference

    Accept this agenda?

  2. Agenda for f2f meeting

    Review of the draft f2f agenda

    Check availability of documents to be discussed at the f2f, nominate reviewers

  3. Issue metadataInURI-31

    Review of new draft finding The use of Metadata in URIs

    Reviewers: Ed, TV, Tim -- Comments from TV

  4. Follow-up from AC meeting

    Any action to be taken after the panel discussion on CURIEs?

  5. New issues?

    Two draft findings are under development, not related to any issue:

    This work is now tracked under issue ultimateQuestion-42

    Should we open new issues? with what names?

  6. Repositories vs. web pages

    The MWI Device Description Working Group has released Device Description Repository Requirements 1.0

    Should the TAG review this document? -- refer to email from Tim

  7. Any other issue?

Vincent Quint for TAG
$Revision: 1.7 $ of $Date: 2006/05/30 12:17:43 $ by $Author: vquint $