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Agenda of 4 April 2006 TAG teleconference

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  1. Administrative

    Roll call -- Regrets: Noah, Ed

    Chair: Vincent, Scribe: TV

    Propose next teleconference: 11 April, regrets, appoint scribe: propose Ed

    Accept this agenda?

    Approve minutes of last teleconference

    F2F in October: confirm Vancouver, 3-5 Oct? (discussed 27 Feb. 2006)

  2. AC meeting preparation
  3. Issue URNsAndRegistries-50

    Review latest version of draft finding URNs, Namespaces and Registries, particularly the end of section 2

  4. Issue xmlFunctions-34

    Reviewing actions from last f2f:

  5. Issue xmlChunk-44

    What is the current situation of this issue?

  6. Any other issue?

Vincent Quint for TAG
$Revision: 1.5 $ of $Date: 2006/04/04 12:24:52 $ by $Author: vquint $