W3C | TAG | Previous teleconference: 22 November | Next teleconference: 13 December

Agenda of TAG face-to-face meeting, 5-6 December 2005, Cambridge, MA, USA

Nearby: issues list - findings - www-tag archive - tag archive - pending actions

Minutes: Mon 05 Dec, Tue 06 Dec AM, Tue 06 Dec PM

1. Logistics

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
32 Vassar St.
Cambridge, MA 02139

Directions, more directions, map

Tel: +1 (617) 253 2613

The meeting will be held in the Board room (room 601), located off a corridor between the Gate and Dreyfoos towers, at the top of the map, along the green corridor shape in the middle.

Monday 5 December: 9:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 6 December: 8:30 - 17:00

2. Administrative

Monday, 9:00

  1. Convene, take roll, review agenda

    Regrets: Dave, Norm (by phone)

    Appoint scribes for the two days

    Approve minutes of 22 Nov. telcon

    Date of next telcon: propose Tuesday 13 December 2005 -- Scribe, Regrets

    Accept this agenda?

  2. Future f2f meetings

    Current status:

    Decide about the date and location of future f2f meetings. Some opportunities:

3. Technical discussions

Refer to preparatory discussions of 8 December

3.1. Issue schemeProtocols-49

Review new version of the draft finding on URI Schemes and Web Protocols by Noah.

The goal is either to finally agree that there's something worth pursuing, or to formally put it aside for the forseeable future.

Background: message from Noah, previous version of the draft

3.2. Future directions

(Monday afternoon)

Discussion on new directions for the future.

3.3. Issue XMLVersioning-41

(Monday afternoon)

Continue discussion of versioning, based on the terminology and concepts discussed at the last f2f in Edinburgh.

Background: Edinburgh discussions, Henry's paper "Names, Namespaces, XML Languages and XML Definition Languages"

3.4. Principle of least power

At the June 2005 f2f, the principle of least power was discussed as part of future TAG directions.

Background: Design Issues

3.5. Self-describing documents

Tim at least informally seemed to feel self-describing documents would be worth attention. The TAG could do some work on a finding.

Background: "Functional XML: A preliminary sketch" by Henry Thompson

3.6. Authoritative Metadata

Review draft finding Authoritative Metadata (Roy has provided an updated version)

This is related to issues contentTypeOverride-24, putMediaType-38, and portions of errorHandling-20.

3.7. Issue namespaceDocument-8

(Tuesday afternoon)

Discussion of a new version of Norm's draft finding

3.8. Update on some recent discussions

NamespaceState-48: last discussion in Edinburgh. According to this discussion, The Disposition of Names in an XML Namespace should be an approved finding.

URNsAndRgistries-50: last discussion in October.

XRI review and its impact

3.9. Issue endPointRefs-47

Discussion of issue endPointRefs-47. Possible extension to a more general discussion about Web Services and the Web to discover new issues worth pursuing.

Background: Henry's worked example

3.10. Update on some old issues

Not much progress was made on the following issues recently. The goal is to review them quickly and decide about their priority.

4. Issues list, pending actions and assignments

4.1. TAG Issues List

Clean up open actions in the issues list. Some actions accepted in 2003 and 2004 are still listed as open. Some are assigned to people who are no longer on the TAG. Drop these actions or assign them to someone else.

Review pending actions

Reassign issues owned by those who will be leaving.

Vincent Quint for TAG
$Revision: 1.25 $ of $Date: 2005/12/20 23:09:09 $ by $Author: connolly $