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Agenda of 5 July 2005 TAG teleconference

Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive - pending actions

  1. Administrative

    Roll call -- Regrets: Roy, Noah, Norm

    Chair: Vincent, Scribe: Dave

    Next teleconference: propose 12 July, assign scribe (Roy, Henry?), regrets?

    Accept this agenda?

    Approve minutes of last teleconference

  2. XMLProfiles-29

    What is the status of this issue?

  3. Web Applications

    Invited expert: Dean Jackson.

    At the last f2f, Web Applications were put on the list of future TAG directions. The goal of the discussion is to

    1. get a better picture of the landscape of Web Applications
    2. identify more precisely the architectural issues
    3. provide feedback to the Team


Vincent Quint for TAG
$Revision: 1.3 $ of $Date: 2005/07/04 13:12:29 $ by $Author: vquint $