W3C | TAG | Previous: 16-18 June 2005 | Next:28 June 2005

Agenda of 21 June 2005 TAG teleconference

Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive - pending actions

  1. Administrative

    Roll call -- Regrets: Dan, Tim, Noah

    Chair: Vincent, Scribe: Norm (next on the list: Ed, Roy)

    Next teleconference: propose 28 June, assign scribe, regrets?

    Accept this agenda?

    Approve minutes of the f2f meeting

  2. Technical discussion

    First round of discussion on the new TAG directions listed, but not discussed during the f2f:

    1. Grid services

      interaction with the semantic Web, Web services and the web in general.

    2. P2P

      URI scheme, support for HTTP methods, ...

    3. Streaming

      Media types, access information, ...

  3. Other issues?

Vincent Quint for TAG
$Revision: 1.3 $ of $Date: 2005/06/21 12:38:33 $ by $Author: vquint $