W3C | TAG | Previous: 31st January 2005 | Next: 14th February 2005 Telcon

Agenda of 7th February 2005 TAG teleconference

Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive

1. Administrative (30 mins)

  1. Roll call.
    Possible regrets: Paul Cotton
    Scribe: Ed
    Accept this agenda?

  2. Date of Next meeting: propose Monday 14th February 2005
    Recruit Scribe.

    Reminder: This will be Joint with XML Schema on the topic of Extensibility and Versioning (XMLVersioning-41)
    Pre-Reading Resources:

    Future Regrets:

  3. Meeting Records
    1. Accept minutes of 31st Jan

  4. TAG Weekly Teleconference Schedule
    (see email from DanC)

1.1 W3C Technical Plenary

2. Technical (60 min)

See also open actions by owner and open issues.

2.1 Issues List Triage!

Stuart Williams for TAG
$Revision: 1.5 $ of $Date: 2005/02/07 17:11:35 $