
From Semantic Web Standards

This template simplifies the creation of articles about software tools. When inserted in a page, it creates a table with much helpful information. It also takes care of semantically annotating the data, so that users can easily find or query it in other articles. See also the Tool Contributors' page for further details.

To use this template, insert the following at the beginning of your user page. All fields except for the name and the homepage are optional and should be omitted if no data is given.

 | Name=The full name of the tool, defaults to pagename
 | Homepage=URL of the tool's main home page, without "http://"
 | Homepage label=Short text for homepage, if URL is too long
 | DateLastReleased=Date of latest release
 | UrlToVerifyDateLastReleased=URL for verifying the date of latest release, '''with "http://" '''

 | ProgrammingLanguage1=programming language #1 that can be used with this tool; 
     possible values: C, C++, C-sharp, LISP, Prolog, Python, PHP, Java, Javascript, 
     Go, .Net, Flex, ActionScript, Tcl, Perl, Ruby, Haskell, Fortran, Scala, Obj-C
 | ...
 | ProgrammingLangauge20=programming language #20 that can be used with this tool

 | SWTechnology1=Relevant SW Technology (RDF, RDFS, etc) #1; 
     possible values: RDF, RDFS, OWL, RDFa, SKOS, SPARQL, 
 | ...
 | SWTechnology10=Relevant SW Technology (RDF, RDFS, etc) #10

 | Category1=Relevant Tool Category #1; 
     see Category:Tool for current categories
 | ...
 | Category20=Relevant Tool Category #10
 | SeeAlso=Possible other site to refer to (eg, on semanticweb.org), without "http://"
 | PublicMailingList=URI of a public mailing list archive, without "http://"
 | PreferredProjectURI=URI of the project (eg, the URI of a doap:Project instance), 
     which gives primary source of project when dereferenced, without "http://" 
 | DOAPFile=Possible URI of a DOAP description, without "http://"
 | Institution=Company, University, etc, whose product this tool is

The order of the fields is not relevant, but the itemized entries (SWTechnology1, SWTechnology2, etc) should be used in this order (the order of their values is irrelevant, i.e., SWTechnology1=C and SWTechnology2=Python is equivalent to SWTechnology1=Python and SWTechnology2=C). The template should be given as the first thing on a page.

The pages for Jena and Redland currently provide good examples for the usage of the template.

If you hit limitations (e.g., categories, SW technologies, etc.) and you are familiar with Semantic Media Wiki and templates, you can of course modify the wiki accordingly. Alternatively, please contact Ivan Herman (ivan@w3.org) who can do that for you.