DBpedia Spotlight

From Semantic Web Standards

DBpedia Spotlight

Name of the tool: DBpedia Spotlight
Home page: http://spotlight.dbpedia.org
Date of latest release:
Programming language(s) that can be used with the tool: Java, Scala, Javascript
Relevant semantic web technologies: RDF, SPARQL
Categories: RDF Generator, Tagging
See also:
Public mailing list:
Preferred project URI:
DOAP reference:
Company or institution: Freie Universität Berlin

(Tool description last modified on 2011-03-31.)


DBpedia Spotlight from WBSG at Freie Universität Berlin is a web service and Java/Scala API that extracts DBpedia Resources from natural language text, and is able to generate annotations in HTML, RDFa, XML, JSON, etc. Level of annotation (and the precision/recall trade-off) can be configured by confidence/support parameters, and annotations can be filtered to contain only certain types (from the DBpedia Ontology) or entities matching arbitrary SPARQL queries.