An SVG Slidemaker

$Date: 2002/02/20 13:50:14 $

This version:
Code and documentation download:
Available for download as a gzipped tar file. The documentation is part of the package in the Docs directory.
Originally initiated by by Bob Hopgood <bhopgood@brookes.ac.uk>, it is now carried on by Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using svgSlidemaker
    1. The Makefile
    2. The Content
      1. The SVG files
      2. Standard slides
      3. Collected standard slides
    3. Controlling the full slide set: directory.xml
      1. Top level element: slides
      2. The author element
      3. The URL element
      4. The title element
      5. The date element
      6. The origin element
      7. The textOrigin element
      8. The css element
      9. The backgroundCss element
      10. The backgroundPattern element
      11. The URIReplacement element
      12. The logo element
      13. The rasterizer element
      14. The page element
      15. The slide element
    4. Adapting the style of the slides using CSS
    5. Printing (generation of XHTML)
  3. Implementation
  4. Metadata
  5. Appendix I: an example directory.xml file
  6. Appendix II: using svgSlidemaker on Windows without cygwin
  7. Appendix III: Changes, TBD
  8. References
  9. Footnotes


The goal of the svgSlidemaker tools is to make it easy to generate a presentation slide set in SVG, with one SVG file per slide. The individual slides are linked, have a common look and feel including a logo, the name of the presenter, etc. svgSlidemaker is not an authoring tool to create, eg, fancy figures for the slides. Instead, svgSlidemaker relies on a "pool" of slide content files created by the user previously; the tool integrates those in a coherent slide set.

As far as svgSlidemaker is concerned, the content "pool" may contain two type of files:

  1. SVG files
  2. simple XML files to generate mainly textual (eg, a "bulleted list") content, with possibly an included image (the latter can be another SVG file, though!). For the sake or readability, the exact format of these files is described in a separate document.

svgSlidemaker takes these files from the pool, "embeds" each of them into a larger SVG slide file containing a header, a footer, and link arrows to generate a series of SVG slides. Because the original SVG files are copied, the resulting set of slides can be treated separately, archived, put on a web site, etc.

To generate a specific presentation, the author has to create an XML file called directory.xml, whose exact format is described below. This file includes the necessary information for each individual slide (title, content file URI, etc), as well as information concerning the full presentation (author, date, logo, etc). svgSlidemaker processes this file to generate the final slide set.

svgSlidemaker works optimally either on UNIX or on Windows running cygwin; it makes use of the make facility. Some provision have been done to use it on Windows without cygwin, but not all features are available for those systems (see Appendix II for further details).

svgSlidemaker is based on XSLT. However, the XSLT recommendation does not specify the calling sequence of an XSLT processor, nor does the current version include a facility to control the redirection of the output of the processor (ie, to generate several files using the processor and the same source XML file). (XSLT 2.0 will standardize this facility through the xsl:result-document function.) As a consequence, svgSlidemaker works with two specific XSLT processors only, namely Saxon[saxon] and Xalan[xalan]. The user has to choose between the two by using the appropriate Make files.

Note that, at this moment, the binary distribution of xalan does not include the necessary Redirect extension, in spite of its on-line documentation. Users have to install xalan themselves using the Java sources. Hopefully, this problem will disappear in future.

In what follows, the usage of svgSlidemaker will be described separately from its implementation. Although it is good to know how the tool is implemented in case problems occur, separating the two aspects makes it easier to get familiarized with the tool.

A general presentation on W3C, held in December 2001, is available on-line, and shows a typical example for a slide set generated by svgSlidemaker.

Note: although the documentation below uses an XML Schema formalism, correctness of the schema definition in the text has sometimes been sacrificed for a better readability of the documentation. The distribution contains the proper XML Schema files.

Using svgSlidemaker

Generating a slide set with svgSlidemaker is done through the following steps:

It should be emphasized that this tool does not help in the second step!

The Makefile

The distribution includes two standard make files, one for xalan (MakefileXalan) and one for saxon (MakefileSaxon). The file should be copied into the directory where the tool will be used. The local variable SMHOME (at the top of the make file) gives the path to the directory where the svgSlidemaker resides; this has to be updated.

The makefile provides the following make targets:

Generation of all the slides. Note that if the directory.xml file changes, all slides will be regenerated. This is the default target.
Clean all generated files. This will remove the slide files, too!
svgSlidemaker generates a number of intermediate files (see the implementation for more details); this action remove them all and leaves the generated slide files intact. This action is typically used before publishing the slides on the web.
generate the PNG images and an XHTML file for printing.

The slides generated by svgSlidemaker make use of CSS style sheet files. The distribution contains two of those: slide.css and background.css for the slide content and the background, respectively. A finer control over which CSS files are used is possible through the directory.xml file, see the description below.

The Content

As described in the introduction, the content of the slide can be either an SVG file or a simple XML file for an essentially textual content.

The SVG files

Unfortunately, the limitations of the tools (and of the author...) used to implement svgSlidemaker impose some light restrictions on the SVG files. None of these are serious, though. These limitation are as follows.

Don't use DTD
The SVG file should not contain a DTD definition. (The reason is that, for reasons not clear to the author, saxon cannot properly handle an XML file with a DTD definition in it.)
Explicit namespace declaration for xlink
SVG makes use of XLink. The DTD of SVG includes the proper namespace declaration, ie, the SVG file itself does not necessary have to include it. However, because a DTD reference should not be present in the SVG file, an explicit namespace declaration is required in this case, otherwise the XSLT processor generates an error. In other words, the (outer) svg element should be: <svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ... >

SVG players have no problem with this (superfluous) declaration, so the SVG file itself can be used elsewhere, too.

Use viewBox
Technically, the SVG file will be embedded into a larger SVG file (ie, the slide). To establish the right positioning of the content, the tool makes use of the viewBox attribute of the outermost svg element. The possible width and height attributes are ignored. In other words, the presence of the proper viewBox attribute is mandatory.

Standard slides

Because a large percentage of presentation slides consist of a list of text items only (bulleted or not), a separate XML application has been defined to create such slides. Such "standard" slides may also include an image, positioned to the left, right, top, or bottom, with the textual content filling the other "half". A more detailed description of these standard slides is available in a separate document. The svgSlidemaker tool recognizes those files and incorporates them into the final slide set. For the sake of this documentation, we will refer to this XML application as "SDS".

Collected standard slides

The model described in the previous section is based on a collection of independent SDS files. It is also possible to collect a number of SDS slide contents into one file; see the documentation of for the details. Suffices it say at this stage that the file includes a sequence of standard contents, which can be referred to though an XML IDREF.

Controlling the full slide set: directory.xml

The structure of the full presentation is governed by a separate XML file, called directory.xml. This file is, essentially, a collection of slide elements (one for each slide), preceded by some global elements referring to the slide set as a whole. (A separate XML Schema has been defined for the file with a detailed documentation ).

Top level element: slides

The top level element is slides; its (simplified) schema definition is:

<xsd:element name="slides">
      <xsd:element name="author" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:element name="URL" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
      <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:element name="date" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:element name="origin" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
      <xsd:element name="textOrigin" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="css" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="backgroundCss" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="backgroundPattern" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="URIReplacement" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="logo" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="rasterizer" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>      
      <xsd:element name="page" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>      
    <xsd:element name="slide" maxOccurs="unbounded">
  <xsd:attribute name="compress" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>

(All elements in the xsd:all portion can appear maximally once, in any order. The first five elements should appear exactly once.)


compress = "true|false"
Some of the SVG slides may become quite large, and it might be a good idea to store them in a gzipped format. If the value of this attribute is set to true, the tool creates two parallel slide sets: one compressed and one un-compressed. (If the slides are published on the Web, it is advisable to put both versions on a web site; older browsers may have problems with decompression on the fly.) Default value is false

The author element

<xsd:element name="author" type="xsd:string"/>

The author of the presentation. The name will be put into the lower left hand corner of every slide.

The URI element

<xsd:element name="URI" type="xsd:anyURI"/>

If the value is non-empty, the author field on the slide will be a hyperlink with this URI. Typically used as a "mailto" URL.

The title element

<xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string"/>

The title of the full presentation.

The date element

<xsd:element name="date" type="xsd:string"/>

The date of the presentation. Will appear on the lower right hand corner of every slide.

The origin element

<xsd:element name="origin" type="xsd:string"/>

A path to the directory where the SVG files of the "pool" are. This can be overwritten for an individual slide, this element merely specifies the default value.

The textOrigin element

<xsd:element name="textOrigin" type="xsd:string"/>

A path to the directory where the SDS files of the "pool" are. This can be overwritten for an individual slide, this element merely specifies the default value. If this value is not set, the value of origin will be used.

The css element

<xsd:element name="css" type="xsd:string"/>

Name of the CSS file used for the content of the slide.

The backgroundCss element

<xsd:element name="backgroundCss" type="xsd:string"/>

The background and some other stylistic elements of the slides (eg, font used for a title) are controlled by a separate CSS file. By default, the file's name is background.css, but this can be overridden by this attribute. The necessary classes are specified in a separate section below.

The distribution includes a background.css file that can be used as an example.

The backgroundPattern element

<xsd:element name="backgroundPattern" type="xsd:anyURI">
  <xsd:attribute name="width" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="height" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>


width = "<SVG Units>"
width of the logo
height = "<SVG Units>"
height of the logo

This element offers an alternative to styling in controlling the general outlook of the slides. backgroundPattern refers to an arbitrary image which is duplicated both in X and Y direction on the background (using SVG's pattern fill facility). When using a background pattern, the class definitions for the background rectangle become ineffective; nevertheless, the various classes controlling, eg, the title fonts are still used.

The URIReplacement element

<xsd:element name="URIReplacement">
  <xsd:attribute name="from" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="to" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>


from = "<string>"
pattern at the start of relative URI-s to be changed
to = "<string>"
replacement string

The original SVG content might use elements with hyperlinks using relative URI-s. Because the content is copied to another directory, these URI-s become invalid. The URIReplacement element defines a replacement pattern for the starting portion of each relative URI in the SVG code. Eg, if the from is set to ../../ and the to to ../../ABC/DEF/ then the ../../ portion of all relative URI-s will be replaced by the value of ../../ABC/DEF/. The global URIReplacement element can also be overruled locally for a specific slide.

<xsd:element name="logo" type="xsd:anyURI">
  <xsd:attribute name="width" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="height" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="w3c" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="href" type="xsd:anyURI"/>


width = "<SVG Units>"
width of the logo
height = "<SVG Units>"
height of the logo
w3c = "true|false"
keep the W3C logo, adjacent to the new one, or not
If exists, the logo area is an active link with this URI

By default, the generated SVG slides have an embedded W3C logo on the upper left hand corner. This can be overruled by the logo element. The content of the element is considered to be the name of an image, and the image element of SVG will be embedded onto the final slide (using the width and height values). Note that, in SVG, the image element can also refer to an external SVG file. One can also require to keep the original W3C logo on the slide (adjacent to the new logo) by setting the w3c attribute to true; this is useful if the slide set has been prepared in cooperation with somebody outside of W3C. Finally, the logo can be an active link or not, depending on the setting of the href attribute.

The rasterizer element

<xsd:element name="rasterizer" type="xsd:string">
  <xsd:attribute name="width" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="height" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required"/>


width of the generated image
height of the generated image

This attribute controls the printing/HTML generation facility, described separately below.

The page element

<xsd:element name="page" type="xsd:string">
  <xsd:attribute name="orientation" type="xsd:string" use="required" default="landscape"/>


orientation of the printing page

This attribute controls the printing/HTML generation facility, described separately below.

The slide element

<xsd:element name="slide">
      <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:element name="tooltip" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:element name="file" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:element name="origin" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="css" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="backgroundCss" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xsd:element name="URIReplacement" type="URIReplacmentType" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xsd:any namespace="http://www.w3.org/2001/svgSlidemaker/textSlide" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="text" type="xsd:boolean"/>

(The elements in the xsd:all can appear in any order; the first three should appear exactly once.)


text = "true|false"
if the value is true, the slide refers to a SDS file, otherwise it refers to SVG. The default value is false.

This element describes the content of an individual slide. The origin, css, backgroundCss, and URIReplacement elements are analogous to their global counterparts, except that they are valid for that specific slide only. Note that putting an empty css element is a way of overruling the general css element without generating any CSS reference whatsoever.

The title element

<xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string"/>

The title appears on the top part of the slide.

The tooltip element

<xsd:element name="tooltip" type="xsd:string"/>

The tooltip is used when the mouse rolls over the arrows linking the slides.

The file element

<xsd:element name="file" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID" use="optional"/>

The basename of the file. It is important to note that this name should not be a path, nor should it include the file extension; the same name will be reused to generate intermediate files. The full path of a file will be the concatenation of the value of origin (or textOrigin) and file, followed by either svg or xml, depending on whether the slide is based on an SVG or an SDS file.


id = xsd:ID
If the slide is an SDS slide and the file refers to a collected text content file as described in the separate section, the value of the attribute chooses a specific text portion within that file.

Inclusion of an SDS Content

<xsd:any namespace="http://www.w3.org/2001/svgSlidemaker/textSlide" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"/>

Although the conceptual "model" of svgSlidemaker is that SDS files are stored in separate files, it can be sometimes disagreeable to have to create and manage individual files for a few lines only. Using a proper namespace it is possible to include an SDS content into directory.xml directly. The value of file is still used for the naming of intermediate files. See the Appendix I for the usage of this feature.

Adapting the style of the slides using CSS

The background of each slide is composed of three rectangles, using the CSS classes slideBackground, titleBackground, and signatureBackground. The latter two are simple rectangles whose color can be set using the appropriate style sheet statements in the background style sheet file.

The slideBackground is slightly more complex insofar as it is filled by a linear gradient fill from left to right, setting stops at 3% of the background rectangle on the left and on the right, respectively. Classes are also assigned to the stops. This means that the background color is controlled by three more style sheet statements in the background style sheet file: stop.side, stop.side-right, and stop.middle. Setting the color for these classes will set the color on the left, the right, and the middle part of the slide, respectively. Assigning the same color to all three of them yields a uniform background. Remember, though, that if a background pattern is also defined, the rectangle with slideBackground is not drawn, ie, these class settings become ineffective! (The rectangle is replaced by the patterned background.)

The rectangles for the title and the signature areas are drawn on top of the slide background rectangle. If the author wants to have the same, uniform color (or gradient fill) for the full slide, the solution is to set both the stroke and fill to none for both of these classes.

Here is the complete list of classes, which are used by the slides:

stop.side, stop.side-right, stop.middle
the colors to be used for the gradient fill on the background of the slide. See the explanation above
the style of the rectangle covering the title area (logo, slide title, link arrows)
the style of the rectangle covering the bottom area (name, number of slides, date)
the style of the horizontal line separating the title area from the slide content
the style of the title text (in the middle of the title area)
the style of the text at the bottom, for the author, date, number of slides
path.linkArrow, circle.linkArrow
the style link arrows in the top right corner
the style of the tooltip text (appearing when the mouse is over the link arrow)

Printing (generation of XHTML)

The current SVG browsers do not offer reliable facilities to print SVG files. svgSlidemaker offers a suboptimal solution to get around the problem (hopefully, this facility will become obsolete in future). One can generate a PNG image for each slide, use an XHTML page to collect, through a series of img elements, all images in one file. This XHTML file can then be printed like any other XHTML page. CSS statements in the file make it sure that each slide is printed on a separate page.

As a "by-product", this file can also be used as a "poor man's presentation facility", if no SVG player is present. CSS statements are used for a presentation media (although very few browsers implement it yet).

Generation of images requires an external program to "rasterize" an SVG file. At this moment, only batik[batik] can do that properly, and the slidemaker tool relies on the availability and proper installation of batik in this respect.

The control over the generation can be done by the rasterizer and page elements of directory.xml. The rasterizer element content is used as the command line to start up the rasterizer on the local environment; the width and the height control the size of the generated images. The generated XHTML file is Slides.html.

The default values for rasterizer are:

Care should be taken if these values are changed:

By default, the setup generates an XHTML file to be printed in landscape mode, yielding one slide per page. By setting the orientation attribute of the page element to portrait, the PNG files and the XHTML file will be generated for portrait mode printing, with two images per page (one above the other).

The images and the Slide.html files are generated using the make html command. (Beware! Rasterizing the SVG slides quite a long process.)


svgSlidemaker uses XSLT transformations to produce the slide set in several steps.

First pass:
First, a number of intermediate files are generated. These are as follows.

The first pass is controlled by the Makefile in the distribution; make is then recursively called using the generated MakefileSlides.mf file.

Second pass:
By virtue or running make on MakefileSlides.mf, each slide is generated separately using the slide-specific XSLT file. This may be preceded by a separate step, using textSlide.xsl, to generate an intermediate SVG file using an SDS file. The SVG file is embedded in the middle of the slide by keeping the svg element and its content verbatim, but by surrounding it with all the other goodies (signature, links, title, etc).
The Slides.html, used for printing, is generated by a separate html.xsl XSLT file.

Due to the structure of the make files, a re-run of make runs the necessary XSLT process only for the slides whose content has changed. Saxon is not very fast, so this may come handy when the slide set is large.

The image below gives a rough overview of the main steps, omitting the extra processing needed by the SDS contents:

Sorry, you should have an SVG plugin to display this image


An initial attempt to develop an RDF vocabulary to annotate SVG files has been described in a separate document. svgSlidemaker takes this vocabulary, and the related tools, into account as follows:

Appendix I: an example directory.xml file

<slides compress="true">
  <author>Ivan Herman (ivan@w3.org), Head of Offices</author>
  <title>Test presentation</title>
  <date>Amsterdam, 01.11.2001</date>
  <URIReplacement from="../" to="../../../Consortium/Offices/Presentations/"/>
  <backgroundPattern width="100" height="100">patt.jpg</backgroundPattern> <!-- optional -->
  <rasterizer width="950" height="649">svgRasterizer.bat</rasterizer> <!-- optional -->
  <page orientation="portrait"/> <!-- optional -->
    <title>RDF Reification</title>
    <tooltip>P3P Architecture</tooltip>
  <slide text="true">
    <title>Text Only Slide</title>
    <tooltip>Text Only</tooltip>
  <slide text="true">
    <title>Further Information</title>
    <s:slide xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2001/svgSlidemaker/textSlide">
      <dt>More information about W3C:</dt>
      <dd href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/">http://www.w3.org/Consortium/</dd>
      <dt>Local W3C offices:</dt>
      <dd href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Offices/">http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Offices/</dd>
      <dt>Contact information:</dt>
      <dd href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Contact">http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Contact</dd>
      <dt>W3C home page:</dt>
      <dd href="http://www.w3.org">http://www.w3.org</dd>
      <dt>These slides are at:</dt>
      <dd href="http://www.w3.org/2001/Talks/IH-2211Mechelen/">http://www.w3.org/2001/Talks/IH-2211Mechelen/</dd>

Appendix II: using svgSlidemaker on Windows without cygwin

Yet another XSLT script (createCommands.xsl) is available to generate a Windows command file to call saxon for each of the generated slides. The make.bat is a simple batch file, which has then to be invoked from within the directory where the slides are generated. It

The disadvantage is that there is no control over the versions and all slides are regenerated every time.

Some features have not (yet) been implemented for the Windows version

Appendix III: Changes, TBD


03 June, 2001
The earlier createxslbat.xsl version has been discontinued. This XSLT stylesheet included three functions in one (generation of the command files, the directoryslide.svg and the separate slide-specific stylesheets), which made it quite difficult to maintain properly. The functionalities have been "cut" into separate stylesheets. This made it possible to have different version of the generated command files, too.
03 June, 2001
The makefile mechanism UNIX and cygwin has been added.
07 July, 2001
  1. The re-scaling problem of the included SVG file has been found and settled
  2. The tools have been adapted to the RDF vocabulary usage for annotating the slides
10 July, 2001
The slide background control has been separated from the core.
14 July, 2001
The href attribute is added to TS.
20 August, 2001
Added the span element for TS.
18 September, 2001
The documentation for the schemas have been regenerated, using the latest release of XML Spy.
03 October, 2001
The compression facility has been added.
15 October, 2001
The compression facility was buggy (the generated links were wrong), needed an overall rework.
27 October, 2001
The included TS content facility has been added
01 November, 2001
Complete re-write of the documentation
Changed URL into URI for the element names in the TS files. Beware: older directory description files may have to be adapted.
16 November, 2001
Made some changes in the generated slide (the size are better adapted to the screen size)
Made the slide more customizable by separating a number of CSS classes into the separate slide files (see the background CSS file description). If older slides are reused, the background style file may have to be adapted.
19 November, 2001
Added the facility to turn the logo into an active area.
20 November, 2001
Changed the XML Schema for the directory file to allow the elements within the preamble part and within the slide element to appear in any order.
Added the background pattern facility.
01 December, 2001
Added the a element to TS.
08 December, 2001
Added the collected text content feature.
09 December, 2001
Added a note for the usage of xalan instead of saxon.
14 December, 2001
Added the printing facilities.
24 December, 2001
Incorporated xalan into the distribution using the system-property function. The separate note has become superfluous and has been removed.
10 January, 2002
Added the portrait printing facility, and handled a small bug in the generated makefile with respect to printing.
08 February, 2002
Added the simple image inclusion facility for TS files.
12 February, 2002
Extended the image inclusion facilities to 'left' and 'right'. The documentation has been restructured, to separate the SDS (new name!) description from the rest.

To be done:




Care should be taken to use version 6.2.2 or higher; earlier versions had a bug which created difficulties for the slide maker tool. Windows users can also download a precompiled code, called instant saxon. For convenience, the Windows executable for instant saxon is part of the downloadable gzipped tar file.

†† The '.bat. file is quite simple, actually; it contains one single line of the form:
java -jar C:\Bin\batik-1.1\batik-rasterizer.jar %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
one just has to change the path.