W3C XML Key Management Services WG

DRAFT 12th December 2002 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Shivaram Mysore

Last revised by $Author: smysore $ $Date: 2002/12/12 18:00:16 $


  1. Shivaram Mysore, Sun Microsystems
  2. Phillip Hallam-Baker, Verisign
  3. Mike Just, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
  4. Joseph Reagle, W3C
  5. Blair Dillaway, Microsoft
  6. Frederick Hirsch, Nokia



Agenda is to go through the issues this week.

First checking actions from previous call.

Then AOB.

Last call's actions

All previous call actions have been resolved.

This Call ...

Refer to Issues List updated on 12 December, 2002.

  1. Examples - Blair has sent examples to Phill. ACTION Phill to update them in the spec
  2. Other Issues
    Issue # Owner Action Requested
    71 Phillip Hallam-Baker Conformance is still open. Phill has consolidated all conformance(s) to one place
    25 Phillip Hallam-Baker Still open (see Issues list)
    30 Phillip Hallam-Baker Sent <UseKeyWith> details to the list. JR suggests to add clarification on what kind of policy we exactly mean - key issuance policy or key usage policy
    84 Phillip Hallam-Baker Add text as indicated in the Issues list
    74 Phillip Hallam-Baker Still open (see Issues list)
    79 Phillip Hallam-Baker Still open (see Issues list)
    96 Phillip Hallam-Baker Still open (see Issues list)
    108 Phillip Hallam-Baker Still open (see Issues list)
    57 Phillip Hallam-Baker Still open (see Issues list)
    123 and 64 Phillip Hallam-Baker Phill has addressed these issues and sent comments to the list.. JR to see if they address all of his issues. (see email ). See Ed Simon's email on C14N
    114 and 115 Phillip Hallam-Baker New issues added to in response to Merlin's email on Status Query
    Phillip Hallam-Baker Address Merlin and Slava's comments on the list
    Phillip Hallam-Baker Send note to the list regarding not needing KeyAgreement in XKMS but a definition of AbstractElement which can be extended and used to support similar method.
    Phillip Hallam-Baker, Frederick Hirsch, Mike Just Continue working on confirmation of resolution.
  3. ACTION Phill to update Spec and send it to the list much before 19 December, 2002
  4. ACTION Mike to work with Phill and update Issues List as required
  5. ACTION Shivaram to arrange calls during the same time - 8:30am-9:30am PST/ 11:30am-12:30pm EST/16:30-17:30 on 19 December, 2002.

    Group is looking forward to atleast a last call version of the specfication for WG's use.

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