The Origin Server Axiom, TCP/IP/DNS case

        % If you make a TCP connection to the origin server, whatever
        % it says is valid/authoritative, as long as its formatted correctly.
        i.scheme = HTTPURISchemeID
        /\ account(i) = nil   % leave http://user@host/ unspecified for now

        /\ says(ma, [URIOfDomain(host(i)), RRTypePropertyID(A), lit1])
        /\ hostAddr(lit1) = ip1
        /\ fresh(ma, mq, TTL(ma))

        /\ host(callee(conn(mq))) = ip1
        /\ port(callee(conn(mq))) = port(i)

        /\ conn(mq) = conn(mp)
        /\ idx(mq) = idx(mp)
        /\ httpParseReqs(callerBytes(conn(mq)), cmsgs)
        /\ httpParseReps(calleeBytes(conn(mp)), smsgs)

        /\ path(cmsgs[idx(mq)]) = i.path
        /\ host(cmsgs[idx(mq)]) = host(i) % HTTP 1.1-ism

        => http(i, mq, mp, cmsgs[idx(mq)], cmsgs[idx(mp)]);