W3C Tabindex test page 2 - forms

Status of this document

This page is meant to test how tabindex works on various platforms. It was written by Charles McCathieNevile mailto:charles@w3.org - because I was wondering about it, but I am likely to use the results as input to W3C working groups, especially WAI groups.

If you test it, please send any results to charles@w3.org including: what browser you used, what operating system you were using, and the version of browser and operating system. I will try to gather them into this page.

Last modified on $Date: 2000/01/17 17:01:19 $ by $Author: charles $

How it works:

There are a number of links on the page, and two forms. The first is link is to the W3C, the next three are to charles, and the rest are numbered, for example "link five". Some of the links have a tabindex attribute, and in that case they will also say what that is, for example "link six - tabindex 1". All the numbered links are to the top of the page.

Form controls are numbersed, and ome form controls have a tabindex, like this one: :

There are also links inside the forms. Some are numbered, like "link seven" and some also have a tabindex, as in "link eight - tabindex 3". There are form controls without tabindex:

There are a set of radio buttons, controls 5 to 7, where the tabindex is applied to the middle button (control 6), as follows:

This form ends with a submit button that does nothing:

Between the forms there is a link with a tabindex: "link nine - tabindex 5".

The second form does not have any elements with tabindex in it, although it has a control:

And there is a final link, with a tabindex on it "to the shortcut navigation page - tabindex 6"



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