Potential Sources of Data for InfoGathering
- rease.semanticweb.org the REASE repository comprising a collection of learning resources around Semantic Web topics, such as presentations, videos or pointers to educational activities (supported by REWERSE and KnowledgeWeb)
- [1] SWEO tag semi-automatically managed list on del.icio.us
- Dave Beckett's list of tools
- Jeff Pan's list which contains information on different categories.
- Sweet Tools by
- SW books and other Library Things
- swed.org information gathering project
- scraping Amazon.com (books)
- schemaweb.info - ontology collection
- olp.dfki.de/ontoselect - ontology collection
- An exhaustive collection of press coverage on semantic technologies from 300 online sources since 2005. Available in RSS 1.0.
Information on Tools
- There is a list of tools and on commercial tools, both on the W3C Wiki. Both have been set up by Ivan, thereby obsoleting the tools that were listed on various pages on the W3C pages (RDF home page, OWL home page, SW Activity home page). Note that there are a number of other, smaller lists on the W3C wiki, usually linked from that page.
- Chris Bizer and friends maintains a list of tools at the Free University of Berlin. Ivan and Chris had a discussion, and Chris will try to keep the two in synchrony. In contrast to the list at the W3C Wiki (which only lists the tools) Chris gives more information on each individual tool.
- Michael K. Bergman’s list which also lists tools are related to Semantic Web though not necessarily using the core technology (eg, natural language ontology tools).
- ConverterToRdf - a page on this wiki that collects RDF converters. We should use it to gather them.
Information on Communities and Outreach Organizations
- [2] - RDF developer community site started by BenjaminNowack
- [3] - school teaching Semantic Web in a bi-yearly curriculum. co-funded by Austrian state, commercial company.
- [4] - Semantic Desktop developer community. They have a Mailinglist and other things like hacking workshops. LeoSauermann is part of this.
- [5] - A collection of Austrian actors in the semantic systems scene realised with a semantic media wiki.
Information on tutorials, books
- The (now defunct) SWBP Working Group maintained a page on tutorials. Ivan sent a mail to the maintainer (Benjamin Nguyen) to understand what the current status is for this; answer is that it is not really maintained any more
- A page on books has been set up (by Ivan) on the W3C Wiki. Note that RDF data is now available for most of the page, thanks to Chris Bizer's tools. Latest update: the books have been added to bibsonomy. Using the books+sweo they can be accessed; the RDF version of the data is also accessible via the SWRC format of Bibsonomy. Note that this RDF format will change, subject of discussion with the bibsonomy folks. The final version will also include references to the information at Chris’ site.
- Danny Ayers has a similar page
- Uldis has a similar page
- Nova Spivak has a listmania list, though this include books that are related to but not directly on Semantic Web
- SEKT EU project has some material. Maybe contact them? (as long as its not over)
- Ontologies a reading list about ontologies
Information on Applications, demos
- There was a relevant activity in the SWBP WG. There were some major problems (a server crash wiped out the information gathered at some point) and the project migrated to an experimental DOAP interface site. Ivan has sent a mail to Libby Miller to understand what the status of that project it at the moment. Her answer is on the archive; essentially, we can do with this what we can and want.
- A partial review of some tools, applications and systems that are related to Semantic Web has been also done in this report. There is also an initial summary about various distributions: e.g. sectors, funding, lifecycle status, etc.
Courses and Curriculums offered For Semantic Web
- Semantic Web School Austria German speaking only, offer many courses on all SemWeb aspects, two semesters to start the curriculum each year.
- 2007 curriculum of the Semantic Web School
- Semantic Web Academy at Karlsruhe
- Computer graphics center has a yearly Semantic Web congress
University Courses
We should contact the [www.rewerse.net/ Rewerse] and Knowledge Web projects for similar inputs. There might be some overlaps in what they want to do and this effort.