We, W3C members Unwired Planet, Alcatel Alsthom Recherche, AT&T, GEMPLUS, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Sun Microsystems Corporation, and Tandem Computers Inc. hereby submit to the Consortium the following specification comprising the document(s) linked below:
which collectively are referred to as "the submission". We request the submission be known as the "HDML" submission.
The Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) is a simple language used to define hypertext-like content and applications for hand-held devices with small displays. HDML is designed to leverage the infrastructure and protocols of the World Wide Web while providing an efficient markup language for wireless and other handheld devices. Congruent with the capabilities and limitations of many handheld devices, HDML's focus goes beyond presentation and layout. HDML provides an explicit navigation model which does not rely upon the visual context required of HTML. As such, HDML offers an efficient means of providing content via the WW--W infrastructure to handheld devices such as cellular phones, pagers, and wireless PDA's.
The HDML specification is copyright Unwired Planet and notice of such copyright should be included in any publication or distribution. Upon acknowledgement of the submission, Unwired Planet freely grants the right to publish, base derivative works upon, and distribute this specification as long as recognition of such copyright is acknowledged.
The following are registered marks refered to in this request or the submission: Unwired Planet is a trademark of Unwired Planet, Inc. Other product and company names may be trademarks of their owners.
The submission may distributed within the membership of the W3C free of any fee. Upon acknowledgement, the submission may be distributed publicly free of an fee.
No proprietary technology or license is required to implement the submission.
Note that Unwired Planet provides a number of HDML user agent implementations which do contain proprietary software and require a license, however the license to use at least one of those HDML user agent implementations is granted free of charge upon download from the Unwired Planet web site.
We suggest that the Consortium adopt the submission as a Recommendation.
Unwired Planet will provide editorial support for the specification, as well as full participation on any working groups, review boards, or other activities initiated by the W3C as a result of acknowledging this submission.
Should any changes be required to the specification, we would expect future revisions to be agreed upon in an open manner and according to the policies and procedures of the Consortium.
Inquiries from the public or press about this submission should be directed to:
this 11th day of April, 1997,
Unwired Planet, Alcatel Alsthom Recherche, AT&T, GEMPLUS, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Sun Microsystems Corporation, Tandem Computers Inc.