Submission request to W3C
We, W3C member Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) on behalf of the Internet Privacy Working Group* hereby submit to the Consortium the following specification comprising the document(s) linked below:
which collectively are referred to as "the submission". We request the submission be known as the IPWG submission.
The submission is for consideration by the W3C Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P), specifically the Harmonized Vocabulary Working Group. The submission contains suggested:
The CDT, on behalf of IPWG, agrees that the submission may be copied, modified, and distributed by W3C staff and W3C members as part of the W3C process. The CDT claims no copyright interests in the documents comprising the submission. The CDT further anticipates that the W3C P3P working group may use and modify this vocabulary for its own purposes and agrees to such modifications. We also foresee the possibility of making additional submissions of a more refined vocabulary in the future.
The submission may distributed within the membership of the W3C free of any fee.
The submission may be distributed publicly free of any fee.
There are no licensable technology claims made as part of this submission.
We suggest that the Consortium examine this submission towards its efforts in developing a globally uniform privacy practice vocabulary of P3P. Further, we request that the proposal be immediately posted on the W3C website as a public note.
Should any changes be required to the document, we would expect future versions to be produced by W3C process. We will participate in that process and may make future submissions to this process as appropriate.
Inquiries from the public or press about this submission should be directed to Deirdre Mulligan. (+1.202.637.9800),<>.
this 17 day of October, 1997.
by the Center for Democracy and Technology on behalf of the Internet Privacy Working Group.