Moving specs from incubation into WebPlat


If there are specifications in incubation in WICG (or elsewhere), that 
you think are ready to transition onto the Recommendation Track (/tr), 
here is some information that may help.

The WebPlat charter has just been extended until 31 December, whilst we 
wait for the outcome of the W3C/WHATWG negotiations. In the meantime, 
Chaals, Marcos, and I, will be putting together a draft charter that 
will be sent to the AC for endorsement, and which will hopefully replace 
our current charter from the start of 2019.

If there is a specification you would like to transition into WebPlat, 
please open an issue on the WebPlat repo to request it [1]. Information 
about the spec, its maturity, and known implementations/expressions of 
implementor interest, are really helpful.

The working theory is that the draft charter will need to be in front of 
the AC sometime in mid-november, so the sooner we know about any such 
specs, the better. TPAC is probably about the last time to let us know, 
but I'll keep you posted as we know more about the timetable.

Léonie on behalf of the WebPlat chairs and team

@LeonieWatson Carpe diem

Received on Friday, 7 September 2018 15:31:48 UTC