Agenda for coming Tueday's DPVCG call

Dear all,

We should talk on Tuesday about how we can start on particular vocabularies and definitions..

Find below the agenda:

For dial-in info, cf. <>
Also, please join us on IRC: <> --> join channel #dpvcg


1) Roll call, select scribe, agenda

2) Approval of last telcon's minutes: <>

3) Go through action items <>

4) Definitions, cf.

5) Plan next meeting(s) and revisit timeline, particularly: F2F in Nov or Dec (around EBDVF or ICT18, both in Vienna)

6) AOB

Talk to you on Tuesday & best regards,

Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
url: <>  twitter: @AxelPolleres

> Am 28.08.2018 um 19:06 schrieb Axel Polleres:
>> Sorry for the confusion, was looking at the wrong week in the calendar, the next call should actually have been
>>>  Tue, 4 September 2018, 16:00-17:00
>> (although I know that several people will be travelling or busy with review preparations, so, maybe let us know on the list whether you can attend or send regrets to get a feeling about attendance)
>> Thanks,
>> Axel
>> --
>> Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
>> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
>> url: <>  twitter: @AxelPolleres
>>> On 28.08.2018, at 13:53, Axel Polleres < <>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> As mentioned in the call last time, we will try to find a way to connect via WebEx to MyData for these two slots:
>>>  1) <> < <>>  August 30, 2018, 10:00 am-11:15 am (Eastern European Time), maybe I even manage to broadcast my presentation to the group's Webex, but can't promise yet, FWIW, my slides, the first half of which is mainly about DPVCG are here [1], the second half is on SPECIAL and will be presented by Ben.
>>>  2) <> < <>>  Open Space August 30, 2018 with  slots between 13:30 and 18:00 (Eastern European Time), but due to the dynamic agenda building of Open Space I could not get a fixed slot, if during the agenda building phase at noon we manage to get a slot for DPVCG, I will announce it per mail to the group.
>>> As for the next regular call, I just realize we didn't announce it in last meeting's minutes. I propose we keep up the regular 2-weeks slot on Tue 16:00 which makes the next call:
>>>  Tue, 18 September 2018, 16:00-17:00
>>> The agenda will be sent in advance, please - as usual - try to make progress with the assigned ACTIONs and we will hopefully manage to hear each other during the MyData conference.
>>> best regards,
>>> Axel
>>> 1. <> < <>>
>>> --
>>> Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
>>> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
>>> url: <> < <>>  twitter: @AxelPolleres
>>>> On 21.08.2018, at 21:47, Bert Bos < <> < <>>> wrote:
>>>> In HTML at
>>>> <> < <>>
>>>> and in text below:
>>>>   [1]W3C
>>>>      [1] <> < <>>
>>>>                             – DRAFT –
>>>> Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group Teleconference
>>>> 21 August 2018
>>>>   [2]Previous meeting [3]Agenda [4]IRC log
>>>>      [2] <> < <>>
>>>>      [3] <> < <>>
>>>>      [4] <> < <>>
>>>> Attendees
>>>>   Present
>>>>          Axel, Bert, Harald, Harsh, Javier, Ramisa, Simon
>>>>          (simonstey)
>>>>   Regrets
>>>>          Eva
>>>>   Chair
>>>>          Bert
>>>>   Scribe
>>>>          AxelPollleres, simonstey
>>>> Contents
>>>>     * [5]Meeting Minutes
>>>>         1. [6]Roll call, select scribe, agenda
>>>>         2. [7]Minutes of last call
>>>>         3. [8]Action items
>>>>         4. [9]how to combine vocabularies
>>>>     * [10]Summary of Action Items
>>>>     * [11]Summary of Resolutions
>>>> Meeting Minutes
>>>> Roll call, select scribe, agenda
>>>>   Bert: any topics missing?
>>>> Minutes of last call
>>>>   Bert: hearing no objections
>>>> Action items
>>>>   <Bert> [12]actions
>>>>     [12] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> action-3
>>>>   <trackbot> action-3 -- Bert Bos to Clarify which github space
>>>>   we can use W3C's github space or if we need something else --
>>>>   due 2018-08-13 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [13] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/3
>>>>     [13] <> < <>>
>>>>   bert: Bert will create a git repo soon.
>>>>   <simonstey> close action-3
>>>>   <trackbot> Closed action-3.
>>>>   close action 3
>>>>   <simonstey> action-6
>>>>   <trackbot> action-6 -- Michael Markevich to Draft something
>>>>   about Opera use case(s) -- due 2018-08-13 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [14] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/6
>>>>     [14] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> action-7
>>>>   <trackbot> action-7 -- Bert Bos to Add some overview of SPECIAL
>>>>   use case(s) -- due 2018-08-13 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [15] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/7
>>>>     [15] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> action-8
>>>>   <trackbot> action-8 -- Axel Polleres to Add some more starting
>>>>   point vocabulary stubs -- due 2018-08-13 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [16] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/8
>>>>     [16] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> close action-8
>>>>   <trackbot> Closed action-8.
>>>>   close action-8
>>>>   <trackbot> Closed action-8.
>>>>   <Bert> action-9
>>>>   <trackbot> action-9 -- Axel Polleres to Include links to irc
>>>>   and minutes into the agenda next time -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [17] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/9
>>>>     [17] <> < <>>
>>>>   <Bert> action-10
>>>>   <trackbot> action-10 -- Axel Polleres to Organize a call later
>>>>   on 30th after the mydata session or on friday morning to sync
>>>>   with people jooining through the conference.... will contact
>>>>   organizers. -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [18] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/10
>>>>     [18] <> < <>>
>>>>   on 29th a dinner table for dinner table for "Semantic
>>>>   Interoparability" at Manala restaurant
>>>>   [19] <> < <>>
>>>>     [19] <> < <>>
>>>>   <trackbot> Notes added to action-10 Organize a call later on
>>>>   30th after the mydata session or on friday morning to sync with
>>>>   people jooining through the conference.... will contact
>>>>   organizers..
>>>>   our session is on 30th in the morning:
>>>>   [20] <> < <>>
>>>>   semantic-interoperability-and-transparency/
>>>>     [20] <> < <>>
>>>>   on 30th afternoon [21] <> < <>>
>>>>   agenda-setting-for-open-space/
>>>>     [21] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> AxelPollleres: organizing an openspace session too
>>>>   <simonstey> ... openspace session is after lunch, don't know
>>>>   which session it will be exactly though
>>>>   enough bandwidth given we will try to dial in the group for the
>>>>   open space session,
>>>>   [22] <> < <>>
>>>>     [22] <> < <>>
>>>>   there are 4 open space sessions yet, not yet sure what slot we
>>>>   get.
>>>>   Action: axel to talk to Joss about Mydata open space session
>>>>   and maybe try to pre-fix a slot.
>>>>   <trackbot> Created ACTION-16 - Talk to joss about mydata open
>>>>   space session and maybe try to pre-fix a slot. [on Axel
>>>>   Polleres - due 2018-08-28].
>>>>   <simonstey> action-11
>>>>   <trackbot> action-11 -- Axel Polleres to Reach out to
>>>>   industrial data spaces project (germany) and another austrian
>>>>   big data project (dma). -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [23] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/11
>>>>     [23] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> action-12
>>>>   <trackbot> action-12 -- Simon Steyskal to Look over
>>>>   requirements template -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [24] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/12
>>>>     [24] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> [25] <> < <>>
>>>>   Template_for_requirements
>>>>     [25] <> < <>>
>>>>   [26] <> < <>>
>>>>   Template_for_requirements
>>>>     [26] <> < <>>
>>>>   Simon: the template allows to vote on requirements in between
>>>>   calls.
>>>>   Action: Axel to try to modify the rquirements teamplate and
>>>>   instantiate it for some of the items on [27] <> < <>>
>>>>   community/dpvcg/wiki/Use-Cases,_Requirements,_Vocabularies
>>>>     [27],_Requirements,_Vocabularies <,_Requirements,_Vocabularies> <,_Requirements,_Vocabularies <,_Requirements,_Vocabularies>>
>>>>   <trackbot> Created ACTION-17 - Try to modify the rquirements
>>>>   teamplate and instantiate it for some of the items on
>>>>   [28] <> < <>>
>>>>   use-cases,_requirements,_vocabularies [on Axel Polleres - due
>>>>   2018-08-28].
>>>>     [28],_requirements,_vocabularies <,_requirements,_vocabularies> <,_requirements,_vocabularies <,_requirements,_vocabularies>>
>>>>   <simonstey> action-13
>>>>   <trackbot> action-13 -- Stefano Bocconi to Propose use case(s)
>>>>   for the decode project -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [29] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/13
>>>>     [29] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> action-14
>>>>   <trackbot> action-14 -- Axel Polleres to Ask hendrik for
>>>>   edition ieee 7012 -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [30] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/14
>>>>     [30] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> [31] <> < <>>
>>>>   7012.html
>>>>     [31] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> action-15
>>>>   <trackbot> action-15 -- Eva Schlehahn to look over use cases
>>>>   template -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
>>>>   <trackbot> [32] <> < <>>
>>>>   actions/15
>>>>     [32] <> < <>>
>>>>   <Bert> [33]Eva's e-mail on use case template
>>>>     [33] <> < <>>
>>>>   <simonstey> AxelPollleres: Ben and I will talk about our
>>>>   efforts
>>>>   <Eva__ULD_> I sent my suggestions on the use case and on the
>>>>   requirements templates per email - so action done ;)
>>>>   Action: Javier to update the use case template wrt. Eva's
>>>>   version
>>>>   <trackbot> Error finding 'Javier'. You can review and register
>>>>   nicknames at <[34] <> < <>>
>>>>   users>.
>>>>     [34] <> < <>>>.
>>>>   Javier: we probably need first the use cases to discuss more
>>>>   about requirements
>>>>   Axel: we should take the list from the workshop as starting
>>>>   points, see action above.
>>>> how to combine vocabularies
>>>>   <Eva__ULD_> I think it might depend heavily on the use cases
>>>>   which kind of taxonomies and vocabularies we need
>>>>   <harsh> Seems audio isn't working :(
>>>>   <harsh> But I agree with Axel
>>>>   maybe try typing? :-)
>>>>   <harsh> My question was: in light of what we discussed, should
>>>>   we start listing concepts and properties from listed
>>>>   vocabularies we might find interesting
>>>>   Can we agree that our goal is to work within one namespace and
>>>>   connect to it, instead of creating a coglomerate of
>>>>   voabularies?
>>>>   simon: I don't think we should invent an own use case, if we
>>>>   have one vocab that covers all.
>>>>   … we maybe only need a "best practices" document.
>>>>   … in ORDL you can specify consent, but not it's components.
>>>>   Axel: I think we could have a JSON-LD profile that describes
>>>>   the whole policies.
>>>>   … and collect our core terms.
>>>>   … single namespace we mape to or JSON-LD profile combining
>>>>   different namespaces, is not so relevant in the end, but
>>>>   coherend presentation of the terms we support and need.
>>>>   Javier: Are we closing the use cases or are we calling for
>>>>   external use cases?
>>>>   … so far they seem close to a couple of European projects.
>>>>   <harsh> Perhaps we could have a cut-off line for use-cases,
>>>>   after which we turn those collected use-cases into
>>>>   requirements?
>>>>   Axel: we need more use cases and should spread the word as far
>>>>   as we can.
>>>>   <harsh> Issue would be a good idea
>>>>   ISSUE: timeline/schedule, when should we stop collecting
>>>>   additional use cases?
>>>>   <trackbot> Created ISSUE-1 - Timeline/schedule, when should we
>>>>   stop collecting additional use cases?. Please complete
>>>>   additional details at <[35] <> < <>>
>>>>   track/issues/1/edit>.
>>>>     [35] <> < <>>>.
>>>>   ISSUE-1: postponed until after Mydata
>>>>   <trackbot> Notes added to ISSUE-1 Timeline/schedule, when
>>>>   should we stop collecting additional use cases?.
>>>>   PROPOSED: next call 4 september, same time
>>>>   <AxelPollleres>+1:-)
>>>>   <simonstey> +1
>>>>   <Ramisa> +1
>>>>   Resolved: next call 4 september, same time.
>>>>   adjourned.
>>>> Summary of Action Items
>>>>    1. [36]axel to talk to Joss about Mydata open space session
>>>>       and maybe try to pre-fix a slot.
>>>>    2. [37]Axel to try to modify the rquirements teamplate and
>>>>       instantiate it for some of the items on <> < <>>
>>>>       community/dpvcg/wiki/Use-Cases,_Requirements,_Vocabularies
>>>>    3. [38]Javier to update the use case template wrt. Eva's
>>>>       version
>>>> Summary of Resolutions
>>>>    1. [39]next call 4 september, same time.
>>>>    Minutes formatted by Bert Bos's [40]scribe.perl version 2.41
>>>>    (2018/03/23 13:13:49), a reimplementation of David Booth's
>>>>    [41]scribe.perl. See [42]CVS log.
>>>>     [40] <> < <>>
>>>>     [41] <> < <>>
>>>>     [42] <> < <>>
>>>> Diagnostics
>>>>   Succeeded: i/any topics missing/Topic: Roll call, select
>>>>   scribe, agenda
>>>>   Succeeded: s/surewhat/sure what/
>>>> Bert
>>>> -- 
>>>>  Bert Bos                                ( W 3 C ) <> < <>>
>>>> <> < <>>                               W3C/ERCIM
>>>> <> < <>>                             2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
>>>>  +33 (0)4 92 38 76 92            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Saturday, 13 October 2018 16:47:29 UTC