[css-grid] 'grid-auto-flow: stack' and items with span > 1

The 'stack' value of grid-auto-flow is currently defined as:

> The auto-placement algorithm is run with a single hypothetical 1×1
> grid item, as if grid-auto-flow: row or grid-auto-flow: column were
> specified, depending on whether row or column is specified alongside
> it, respectively. If neither row nor column are specified, it
> defaults to running the algorithm as if grid-auto-flow: row were
> specified.
> Wherever the hypothetical item would be placed,

The item is 1×1, so this is a 1×1 grid area.

> all auto-placed items are placed there, stacked atop one another.
> (This happens even if the auto-placed item is greater than 1×1, even
> if doing so would cause it to overlap explicitly-placed grid items.)

What does "there" mean for items bigger than 1×1?

I suggest: all auto-placed items are placed, stacked atop one another, 
at a grid position determined from the grid-column-start and 
grid-row-start values of the hypothetical item, but keep their 
(explicit, implicit, or defaulted) grid span. The item’s grid-column-end 
and grid-row-end values will only match that of the hypothetical item if 
the grid span is 1 in the corresponding direction.

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 5 May 2014 20:42:04 UTC