Re: [CSS21] should text-decoration propagate to table-cells from table or above?

Arron and fantasai wrote:
> Proposal:
>   In
>     "the decorations are propagated to an anonymous inline box
>      that wraps all the in-flow inline children of the element,
>      and to any block-level in-flow descendants."
>   Replace
>     "in-flow descendants"
>   With
>     "in-flow children and internal table elements"
>   Where "internal table elements" links to the definition at the
>   end of 17.1.

This isn't enough, since it doesn't say that the propagation is

Also we don't seem to have a definition for what happens with
   <p><u><span style="display: block">Am I underlined?</span></u></p>

It is underlined in Opera, Safari, and IE. Mozilla does not underline
the span.


Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 14:26:29 UTC