Re: [css-backgrounds] Re:CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 and border-attachment

On Mon, 15 Jan 2018 14:44:31 -0800
fantasai <> wrote:

> >> - - - - -
> >>
> >> Maybe (mere suggestions):
> >>
> >> 'fixed' should have been named 'fixed-in-viewport' or
> >> 'fixed-within-viewport' or something like that.
> >>
> >> 'scroll' should have been named 'fixed-in-element' or
> >> 'fixed-within-element'.
> >>
> >> 'local' should have been named 'not-fixed'.
> I agree the names are sub-optimal. Unfortunately when the 'overflow'
> property was created, the CSSWG picked a behavior for 'scroll' that
> imho didn't make any sense--affixing the background to the scroll
> container rather than to its contents--and then we had to come up
> with another keyword that meant “scroll with the contents”. :/
> But it is, alas, not something we can fix now.
> ~fantasai

Deprecate the old keywords and give new ones. Because fixed and scroll
behave compatible as long as they ain't followed by the optional
keywords 'margin-box' ... 'content', only local is an issue. One can
still support it for backwards compatibility.

Dennis Heuer

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2018 02:09:56 UTC