For Wide Review: Personalization Working Drafts Updated

Dear WAI Interest Group Announce List Participants,

The Personalization Semantics Task Force and the Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group invite you to review the following updated drafts:
* Personalization Semantics Content Module 1.0 specification:
* Personalization Semantics Explainer
* Requirements for Personalization Semantics

What is Personalization: Personalization enables users to customize the way information is presented. It is especially useful for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. For a short introduction to personalization and the different documents, see the
      Personalization Overview

Status and “wide review”: The Personalization Semantics Content Module 1.0 specification may be ready to advance to the next step in becoming a web standard. This means we would like a wide review of all aspects of the document. A particularly important section is 3.1 on “action” at

Comments: To comment, file an issue in the personalization semantics GitHub repository:
If this is not feasible, send email to
Please send comments by *10 March 2020*.

Thank you in advance for your review.

Janina Sajka, Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group Chair
Lisa Seeman, Personalization Semantics Task Force Co-Facilitator
Charles LaPierre, Personalization Semantics Task Force Co-Facilitator
Roy Ran, Personalization Semantics Task Force Staff Contact


Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2020 04:25:33 UTC