Re: [CSS21] enhancement: comment format for surviving file being minified

I found implementations favoring the same effect as more or less proposed in this thread, the bang immediately after the opening tag:

YUI preserves comments beginning with "/*!" (without quotation marks). <>, as accessed Aug. 15, 2015.

rCSSmin 1.0.5: "Comments starting with an exclamation mark (!) can be kept optionally." <>, as accessed Aug. 15, 2015.

W3 Total Cache (W3TC): Comments including certain strings (at least "google_ad_" or "RSPEAK_" (without quotation marks)) will be preserved. <>, as accessed Aug. 15, 2015.

CSS::Minifier (CSS-Minifier-0.01), ver. 0.01 (thus, by convention, beta) can create or preserve only a copyright comment. <>, as accessed Aug. 16, 2015.


Received on Thursday, 20 August 2015 11:29:20 UTC