[css-round-display] Request for first review the css-round-display

Hello all,
Good evening in Korea. :)

I'm Hyojin Song working for LG Electronics. I presented the
css-round-display at last Sydney f2f meeting. I'd like to discuss this spec
in the css mailing list. You can see the specification and the polyfill as

- Spec: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-round-display/
- Polyfill: https://github.com/lgewst/jRound/

We propose four ideas that allow contents to be rendered in a round display
easily and effectively. We also open the polyfill to show the ideas'
validity though it is made with no shapely appearance. We will update the
spec and the polyfill in succession, so let us know any ideas to make up for
our spec and polyfill. (esp. Daniel, Florian, Alan, Fantasia, ...) There are
more ideas and issues that aren't written in the spec yet, including
fantasai's polar position ideas mentioned in the last f2f meeting. Although
the round display open is delayed a little, we will follow up the
specification improvement with speed from now on. I believe that LG can play
a role as the contributor in the css wg regarding market-driven css
technology for practical use besides the round display.

I'm unfamiliar as the editor of CSS spec, so I need to a lot of help
(format, direction, convention, etc.) from you.
Thanks for your feedback in advance.

Hyojin Song

Received on Thursday, 19 March 2015 22:14:44 UTC