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Educational materials/Create HTML

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Create HTML

Edit tools

You don't need a special tool for making HTML. We can write HTML by hand using tools such as NotePad on Windows, or TextEdit on the MacOS.

However, Web developer often use HTML editors:

  • Dreamweaver
  • FrontPage


Although the HTML markup of a web page can be written with any text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer convenience and added functionality. But, I recommend that you use plain text editor. Because I think this is the best way to acquire the HTML.

try it

Let's make a HTML document.

1. Open the NotePad(Windows users) or TextEdit(MacOS users).

2. Write the following example.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <title>Sample Web page</title>

Note: Don't worry. You will learn the about these tags in the next chapter.

File names

When you save the HTML document, you should follow the file neme rules.

  • use either the ".htm" or the ".html" file extension.
  • use only alphabets, numbers, "-(hyphen)" and "_(underscore)".

try it

Let's save the HTML document.

1. Click on the "File" menu and then on "Save".

2. Put in the file name. In this example, "index.html".

Web browsers

Web browser is a software application for viewing the Web pages. There are a lot of kinds of Web browser and be used by each favor of the person who sees the Web pages:

  • Internet Explorer(Microsoft)
  • Firefox(Mozilla)
  • Chrome(Google)
  • Safari(Apple)
  • Opera(Opera)


You should check whether the Web page is correctly made by two or more Web browsers.

See also Web Browser Share.

try it

Let's view your HTML document on the Web browser.

1. Open the Web browser that you like.

2. Drag & Drop the HTML document file to Web browser.

Can you view the your HTML document?

In the next chapter, you learn about HTML tags. "HTML Document"