ACTION-55: Ask the TAG about tag soup measurement techniques

Ask the TAG about tag soup measurement techniques

Dan Connolly
Due on:
April 24, 2008
Created on:
February 21, 2008
Associated Issue:
Related emails:
  1. Action-55 - ARIA in HTML5 draft text and change proposal (from on 2010-08-19)
  2. minutes HTML WG weekly 21 Feb (from on 2008-03-09)

Related notes:

ugh... I didn't manage to do this at the TAG ftf in Vancouver.

Dan Connolly, 10 Mar 2008, 03:48:00

tagSoup is on the TAG's agenda today...

Dan Connolly, 3 Apr 2008, 15:52:17

hope for an answer this week.

Dan Connolly, 16 Apr 2008, 15:38:22

how long to wait for an answer? withdraw this?

Dan Connolly, 28 Apr 2008, 19:39:59

I think you should knock on the TAG's door again.

Chris Wilson, 8 May 2008, 23:15:07

I asked and haven't gotten much response; is it worth pushing more?

Dan Connolly, 14 May 2008, 19:05:13

Display change log.

Maciej Stachowiak <>, Sam Ruby <>, Chairs, Michael[tm] Smith <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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