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Initial draft summary report

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This Summary Page is a WorkInProgress and Will Change!

Executive Summary

On June 13, 2012, W3C Web and Broadcasting Business Group held its first face-to-face meeting at Makuhari, Chiba, Japan to discuss the vision of the BG, with an examination of the takeaways from the Symposium on Web and TV and consideration on the gaps between clarified use cases and existing W3C standards. The face-to-face provided an opportunity to share use cases, research results, and implementation experience on Smart TV with HTML5 browser and broadcasting.


Clarified Topics to be Discussed in the BG

Smart TV with HTML5 Browser and Broadcasting


Disaster and Media

# Topic Description Related Groups

Premium Content and Media Diversity


Action Items

Smart TV with HTML5 Browser and Broadcasting

  1. NHK and IPTVF-J clarify the boundary between their internal work and the BG's work.
  2. NHK and IPTVF-J propose draft note on specific and detailed use cases for the gap analysis between them and existing W3C standard.
  3. The BG members review and polish them.
  4. The chair asks the chairs of relevant group in W3C to hold joint works on the use cases.

Disaster and Media

  1. Yosuke asks some panelists of the Symposium, NHK, NTT and Google, about their intentions on how to treat these issues.
  2. Yosuke asks somebody in W3C about the status of Web Identity activity.
  3. Yosuke forms a drafting team based on the result of the previous item.
  4. The drafting team creates a draft note on 'Disaster and Media'.


Discuss/Finalize the charter
  1. Yosuke improves the draft charter according to the consensus in the slot.
  2. The BG members review the improved draft and finalize it.
  3. The BG members encourage global stakeholders from all over the world to join the BG.
The relationship of the BG and the 'Web and TV' IG
  1. Yosuke creates the initial draft summary report on the f2f meeting. (this document)
  2. The BG members finalize the summary report.
  3. Yosuke, as the BG chair, introduces the summary report to other IG co-Chairs and talks with them about the possible relationship between the BG and the IG.



  • 10:00 - 10:10 Welcome
    • Host: NHK
    • BizDev: Alan, W3C
  • 10:10 - 12:00 Slot 1: Intro
    • Select the chair
    • Introduction of the members and observers.
    • Prospects from attendees
  • 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 - 13:30 Slot 2: Discuss/Finalize the charter
    • The goal of this group is global or Japanese?
    • Define the workflow of this group. ex. number of reports.
    • Draft Charter
  • 13:30 - 15:00 Slot 3: Discuss the takeaways from the Symposium
      • [30m] HTML5 browser-based Hybridcast
      • [30m] Disaster and Media
      • [30m] Premium Content and Media Diversity
  • 15:00 - 15:30 Afternoon Break
  • 15:30 - 16:00 Slot 4: How W3C's WG works
  • 16:00 - 17:00 Slot 5: The BG and European Broadcasters
    • Sharing the outline of the discussions so far
    • Updates from Olivier, BBC
    • Discuss how to involve European Broadcasters
  • 17:00 - 17:30 Slot 6: The relationship of the BG and the 'Web and TV' IG
  • 17:30 - 18:00 Wrap-up & Next Step (TPAC)


Registered Participants

  • Yosuke Funahashi, Tomo-Digi Corporation
  • Shoko Okuma, Tomo-Digi Corporation
  • Kunio Numabe, Fuji Television Network, inc.
  • Joji Urano, Nippon Television Network Corp.
  • Hitoshi Nishioka, Nippon Television Network Corp.
  • Keiji Yanagiuchi, TBS Television, Inc.
  • Kenji Fukuda, WOWOW INC.
  • Yasuo Inoue, WOWOW INC.
  • Takahiro Sakai, WOWOW INC.
  • Jiro Hirono, Fuji Television Network, Inc.
  • Takayuki Ito, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp.)
  • Makoto Yamamoto, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp.)
  • Masaru Takechi, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp.)
  • Hiroshi Fujisawa, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp.)
  • Kinji Matsumura, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp.)
  • Hisayuki Ohmata, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp.)
  • Toshiyuki Maeda, TV Asahi Corporation

Remote participation:

  • Olivier Thereaux, BBC


  • Raymund Mendoza Vidar, SMART Communications
  • Futomi Hatano, Newphoria Corporation
  • Hiroyuki Aizu, Toshiba Corporation
  • Noriya Sakamoto, Toshiba Corporation
  • Tomoaki Konno, KDDI Corporation
  • Shozo Fukui, Tomo-Digi Corporation
  • Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software
  • Yoshiaki Ohsumi, Panasonic Corporation
  • Takuji Hiramoto, Panasonic Corporation
  • Yoshihiro Ujiie, Panasonic Corporation
  • Manabu Motegi, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

W3C Team

  • Jeffery Jaffe, W3C
  • J. Alan Bird, W3C
  • Masao Isshiki, W3C
  • Kazuyuki Ashimura, W3C
  • Naomi Yoshizawa, W3C

MIC Japan

  • Hideo Fuseda, MIC Japan
  • Shigeo Okamoto, MIC Japan
  • Kiyoko Tsutsumi, MIC Japan

Slot 1: Intro

  • Welcome speech by Alan Bird, W3C Business Development Leader.
  • Welcome speech by Takayuki Ito, NHK, the host organization.
  • Yosuke Funahashi was selected as a chair of this group officially.
  • All attendees including observers introduced themselves and described their prospects to the meeting.
  • Tweaked agenda à la an unconference style meeting

Slot 2: Discuss/Finalize the charter

We reached our consensus on how and where we should improve the charter to finalize.

  • The BG polishes the definition of scope, deliverables and workflow in the charter because they are crucial for W3C groups to be productive.
  • The BG decided to adopt the W3C process document as its process rule. We select rules for IG where WG and IG have different rules in the process document.
  • The BG is a global group, not a Japanese-only group though most of the initial members are stakeholders from Japan. We try hard to involve stakeholders from other region. The BG clearly describes these points in the charter.

Action Items

  1. Yosuke improves the draft charter according to the consensus in the slot.
  2. The BG members review the improved draft and finalize it.
  3. The BG members encourage global stakeholders from all over the world to join the BG.

Slot 3: Discuss the takeaways from the Symposium

Symposium on Web and TV was held on 12th June, 2012 at Fuji television Most attendees of the BG has joined the symposium and they thought that the main three topics of the symposium, Standardization on Hybrid Broadcast Broadband System with Html5 Browser such as HTML5 browser-based Hybrridcast, Disaster and Media, and Premiun Content and Media Diversity, were important for the BG as well. So we decided to discuss the takeaways from the Symposium in the f2f meeting.

HTML5 browser-based Hybridcast

Kinji Matsumura made a concise presentation on the Hybridcast, one of driving force of IPTVF-J's work on Smart TV with HTML5 browser. (About the outline of the IPTVF-J's work, see the slides in the references section below which was presented at the Symposium the day before.) During the slot, the BG members built deeper understanding on the Hybridcast and talked about how to deal with this topic in the BG. We reached our consensus that 1) we need a bit more elaborate use-cases and 2) IPTVF-J might as well provide its members with sufficient definition of the boundary between its internal activity and activity in W3C to avoid work duplication; because some of the BG members are also members of the IPTVF-J.


Disaster and Media

Yosuke Funahashi described the outcome from the Symposium, that consists of two parts: 1) a list of facts and requirements and 2) the relationship between issues and W3C activities. The BG clarified the action items to polish the outcome.

Facts and requirements from the Symposium
  • General issues
    • How should we combine the roles of TV and telecommunication as universal services and role which web will play to achieve better safety and security.
    • Closed internet and closed broadcasting can not help.
    • The importance of education on disaster prevention.
  • Infrastructure
    • Power outage. Fall into a situation without electricity suddenly.
    • Telecommunication base stations and optical fibre cables were a devastating state on 3.11. We committed for recovery.
    • Launch information and communication base station as soon as possible for the community.
  • Habits/Culture
    • Familiarity of radio was a base of link with citizens.
  • Alternative devices and media
    • Including streaming on internet, we tried to deliver broadcast contents by any meas on 3.11
    • Broadcasting contents on digital signage were helpful.
  • Bandwidth
    • Streaming on internet at disaster will be a risk of network band pressure.
    • Possibility of causing peak excess on network by broadcasting same information.
    • How to suppress the traffic peak on internet.
  • Gathering information
    • Issues on gathering and generating information in the disaster area.
    • Ways to use gathered information. Digitize. Search.
    • Wiki-like collaboration on Web.

The BG extracted technical issues from the facts and requirements. And we discussed the possible relevant groups in W3C that elaborate the issue based on our deliverables.

Relationship with W3C activities
  • Issue 1: New responsibilities or social roles of the Web, Web Standards, W3C or other SDO such as IPTV Forum Japan
    • TAG: Technical Advisory Group
    • Web and Philosophy Community Group (aka. Philoweb)
    • Web and TV IG
    • Web and Broadcasting BG
  • Issue 2: Control and reduce the traffic of applications dynamically
    • Off-line Web Apps:
      • HTML5/Appcache
      • Webapps WG (package app)
    • DASH and Media Source Proposal:
      • HTML WG
    • Information sharing through ad-hoc network or near field network:
      • Not clear yet. Network level in IETF?
  • Issue 3: Prioritizing Web services under severe natural disasters
    • Somthing like SIP for Layer 7:
      • Web apps WG/ push notification
  • Issue 4: Identity and rescue
    • FYI, Google Person Finder is a good use case that requires the standardization on the issue.
    • Web Identity:
      • W3C may have some XG to treat the issue.
      • Discussion between Japanese gov. and broadcasters. In this BG?
    • Geolocation:
      • Geolocation Working Group
  • Issue 5: How to gather and link emergency information
    • Linked Data Platform Community Group
    • Government Linked Open Data Interest Group
    • Standardized Cloud and Distributed High availability:
      • Not yet clear.
    • Privacy Issues:
      • Not yet clear.
    • Crimes under natural disasters: ex. the turmoil occurred in Uganda
      • Not yet clear.
  • Issue 6: Smarter combination of mass communication and viral commnication through SNS and TV
    • SNS needs standard:
      • Now in W3C head-lights.
    • Gov. involvement needed. There are a couple of legal and policy issues.

Premium Content and Media Diversity

Kunio Numabe briefly summarized the takeaways from the Symposium and it triggered our discussion on how to treat them including the central theme 'Premium Content and Media Diversity' itself in the BG. We reached our consensus that we should focus on existing requirements or use-cases the member of the BG, mainly Japanese broadcasters, already have. Following three issues were raised by the attendees during the slot.

  • Elaborate the requirements on DRM/CDM built into UAs from broadcasters' viewpoint.
  • Try to find out the potential needs to standardize the interface among N-screen devices including broadcast receivers such as TV; esp. based on the know-how of existing services by broadcasters.
  • Clarify use cases on simple integration of Web and TV: ex. to launch TV channel in a UA while browsing the Web, and to launch web pages based on metadata in broadcast signals while watching TV programs.

On the other hand, we also recognized that we may not have sufficient human resources to treat these three topics for the time being because 'Disaster and Media' may consume most of our time and energy. The BG will proceed these topics in a modest way and see the situation.

Action Items

HTML5 browser-based Hybridcast
  1. NHK and IPTVF-J clarify the boundary between their internal work and the BG's work.
  2. NHK and IPTVF-J propose draft note on specific and detailed use cases for the gap analysis between them and existing W3C standard.
  3. The BG members review and polish them.
  4. The chair asks the chairs of relevant group in W3C to hold joint works on the use cases.
Disaster and Media
  1. Yosuke asks some panelists of the Symposium, NHK, NTT and Google, about their intentions on how to treat these issues.
  2. Yosuke asks somebody in W3C about the status of Web Identity activity.
  3. Yosuke forms a drafting team based on the result of the previous item.
  4. The drafting team creates a draft note on 'Disaster and Media'.
Premium Content and Media Diversity
  • We set no specific action item and will talk about it on the ML.

Slot 4: How W3C's WG works

  • It's important to understand the character and culture of each group in W3C. Because W3C has so many groups and they are rich in variety.
    • It would be efficient to monitor W3C WG/IG as a collaborative work of the BG members because there are more that 50 groups and their culture and way of project management are rich in variety.
  • Based on the good understanding, select appropriate group to collaborate with, issue by issue.

Action Items

  • We set no specific action item and will talk about it on the ML.

Slot 5: The BG and European Broadcasters

Olivier Thereaux joined the slot remotely and started his speech with making his comments on the discussions that he didn't manage to join so far and told us some updates from the viewpoint of his, BBC, UK and European broadcasters. (The editor has included some of his comments in the sections above). The outline of the conversation during the slot was as follows.

  • RadioDNS, hybrid radio, is succeeding among European countries. Radiko, IP streaming radio service, is getting popular in Japan as well.
  • It's becoming an important issue how we can provide the audience not having Connected TV with better user experience.
  • The balance between protecting rights of content and sharing content is important.
  • BBC uses Semantic Web technologies almost everywhere where they need to expose data.
  • As for disaster:
    • the radio broadcasting takes principal roles in UK. On the contrary, TV's role has been getting larger in some countries such as Japan because the number of radio audience has been declining for this ten years.
    • The central and local governments expose emergency information to the public through liked data technologies. So there is a good possibility for software vendors or communities to create innovative apps with emergency information service.
  • We should not restrict our outreach activity only on European broadcasters. We should think about broadcasters from all over the world.

Action Items

  • We set no specific action item and will talk about it on the ML.

Slot 6: The relationship of the BG and the 'Web and TV' IG

The BG reached the consensus on the procedure on the initial communication between the BG and IG as in the following action items. Note that the communication between BG and other group is restricted to chair-to-chair communication mechanism theoretically.

Action Items

  1. Yosuke creates the initial draft summary report on the f2f meeting. (this document)
  2. The BG members finalize the summary report.
  3. Yosuke, as the BG chair, introduces the summary report to other IG co-Chairs and talks with them about the possible relationship between the BG and the IG.

Wrap-up & Next Step (TPAC)

We looked through the outcomes and action items of the f2f meeting so far and talked about our target timing to achieve them. The TPAC seems a good timing not only as our initial due date but also to hold the next f2f meeting and some joint meetings with other groups in W3C if possible. At the time of the f2f meeting, it was unclear that the BG-only members are allowed to join the TPAC. So we asked W3C Management to consider it. Anyway, the BG members made the consensus to proceed its work toward the TPAC.

Note: One week after the meeting, the BG got a great news from Alan that W3C Management decided to allow the BG-only members to join the TPAC fully!