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From Read Write Web Community Group
NetID a resolvable identifier used to identify an Agent (i.e., Person, Software, or Machine). Resolution is to a Profile Document comprising a content-type agnostic Entity Relationship Graph i.e., no JSON, JSON-LD, RDF-Turtle, etc. specificity.
This identifier enables User Agent interaction with an Entity Relationship Graph that's informed by Logic as the Conceptual Schema.
Important points to note:
Despite requiring identifier resolvability, It doesn't mandate HTTP as the resolvable identifier type i.e., it isn't HTTP-specific.
Related Links
- https://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/search?type-index=public-rww&index-type=t&keywords=netid&search=Search
- https://www.slideshare.net/kidehen/how-virtuoso-enables-attributed-based-access-controls/17
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23NetID%20%40kidehen&src=typed_query&f=live