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SE Bookmarking a Webpage

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Bookmarking a Webpage

In the context of the World Wide Web, a bookmark is a locally stored Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). All modern web browsers include bookmark features (source: Wikipedia). Typically the URI is associated with a textual descriptions (or name or label) for improving human readability.

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Example of Bookmark

We here represent the bookmark of the 'W3C Open Annotation Community Group' homepage and we provide the label 'Official page of the Open Annotation Community Group'.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Open Annotation Representation

The Target of the annotation is the webpage identified by the URI http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/. The Body of the annotation consists in the textual label 'Official page of the Open Annotation Community Group'. The motivation driving the creation of the annotation is encoded by the motivation oa:bookmarking.

The Annotation instance exhibits an oa:annotatedBy - the agent responsible for entering the information that is used to generate the Annotation - and a oa:serializedBy - the agent, likely software, generating the serialization of the Annotation's graph. Annotation and generation dates are also associated.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

In RDF format:

ex:anno a oa:Annotation ;
   oa:hasTarget <http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/> ;
   oa:hasBody ex:uuid ;
   oa:motivatedBy oa:bookmarking ;
   oa:annotatedBy ex:person1 ;
   oa:annotatedAt "2012-02-12T15:02:14Z" ;
   oa:serializedBy ex:software1 ;
   oa:serializedAt "2012-02-12T15:02:14Z" .
   dc:format "text/html" .
ex:uuid a cnt:ContentAsText ;
   cnt:chars "Official Page of the Open Annotation Community Group" ;
   dc:format "text/plain" ;
   cnt:characterEncoding "utf-8" .
ex:person1 a foaf:Person ;
   foaf:mbox <mailto:john.doe@example.org> ;
   foaf:name "John Doe" .
ex:software1 a foaf:Agent, prov:SoftwareAgent ;
   foaf:name "ExAnnotator" .

Note: ex:software1 is declared of both type prov:SoftwareAgent and foaf:Agent. In the Agents section of the specs, prov:SoftwareAgent is recommended for software agents. foaf:Agent has been added here to increase the chances of interoperability and the use of FOAF is inline with the other recommendations of the Open Annotation model that suggests the use of foaf:Person and foaf:Organization.

Some SPARQL queries

Select all the annotations for the target http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/

   ?anno oa:hasTarget <http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/> . 
=> ex:anno

Select all the annotations by ex:person1 for the target http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/

   ?anno oa:hasTarget <http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/> . 
   ?anno oa:annotatedBy ex:person1 . 
=> ex:anno

Select all the bookmarks by ex:person1

   ?anno oa:motivatedBy oa:bookmarking .
   ?anno oa:annotatedBy ex:person1 .  
=> ex:anno

Select all the bookmarks for the target http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/

   ?anno oa:hasTarget <http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/> . 
   ?anno oa:motivatedBy oa:bookmarking . 
=> ex:anno

CREATOR: Paolo Ciccarese
LAST UPDATED: January 30, 2013

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