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This document discusses how to use richer provenance with the Open Annotation data model.

Examples of Provenance with PAV (Provenance, Authoring and Versioning)

Use cases from Domeo and Catch reported by Paolo Ciccarese.

These make use of the PAV (Provenance, Authoring and Versioning) ontology:

Example/Use Cases

a1) note created with the Domeo tool by a student (Paolo) that reports the comment of a professor (Brad).

The reason why both "pav:createdBy" and "pav:curatedBy" are presents is because the content can be curated by a different person than the one that entered (created) it in the system. In this particular case "Paolo" did both.

// Note: the JSON-LD is not fully developed.

  "@type" : "oa:Annotation",
  "oa:annotatedBy" : "Paolo",
  "oa:annotatedAt" : "date of annotation"
  "pav:createdWith" : "Domeo tool",
  "hasBody" : {
    "@type": "dctypes:Text",
    "cnt:chars" : "This is a good read about APP protein",
    "pav:createdBy" : "Paolo", 
    "pav:curatedBy" : "Paolo", 
    "pav:authoredBy" : "Prof. Brad"
  "hasTarget" : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amyloid_precursor_protein"

a2) automatic annotation (semantic tag) created with the Domeo tool by a student (Paolo) after running text mining service X. Text mining results are imported through the "Text mining connector Y".

// Note: the JSON-LD is not fully developed.

  "@type" : "oa:Annotation",
  "oa:annotatedBy" : "Paolo",
  "oa:annotatedAt" : "date of annotation"
  "pav:createdWith": "Domeo tool",
  "pav:importedBy" : "Text mining connector Y",
  "pav:importedOn" : "2014-01-28T12:00:00Z",
  "pav:authoredBy" : "Text mining service/algorithm X" ;
  "hasBody" : {
    "@id" : "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0002511",
    "@type": "oa:SemanticTag",
    "rdfs:label": "Amyloid precursor protein"
  "hasTarget" : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amyloid_precursor_protein"