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From Open Annotation Community Group
The diagrams in the cookbook use the following style:
- Instances are depicted as colored ellipses - Instances with a resolvable URI have a single line border - Instances with a non-resolvable URN or are a blank node have a double line border - Classes are depicted as white rectangles - Literals are depicted as white lozenges - Relationships are depicted as straight, black lines. Relationships are RDF predicates where the range is a Resource, and equivalent to OWL object properties. - Properties are depicted as curved, black lines. Properties are RDF predicates where the range is a Literal, and equivalent to OWL datatype properties. - Class instantiation (rdf:type) is depicted as a straight black line with white arrow head, following UML. - Example instance identifiers are lowercase and end in a number. For example, anno1 is a specific instance of an Annotation, whereas oa:Annotation is a class - Example literals follow the requirements for the model and, thus, must not be interpreted as the only possible value - Conceptual resource boundaries not explicit in the model, but considered important for understanding, are depicted as grey dashed boxes around the components. They are used to convey spatial parts of the diagrams and may be safely ignored.
The following are examples depicting how to use the Open Annotation model in common scenarios.
- Simple annotations of single target resources
** The rest of the Cookbook is currently outdated... working on it **
Open Annotation Model in Action
The following examples and scenarios are - unless otherwise specified - compliant to the following specs:
Example of features of the OA model
- SOPA: 2.1 Body and Target
- SOPA: 2.2 Provenance
- SOPA: 2.3 Classes
- SOPA: 2.4 Serialization
- SOPA: 3.1 Body Resource
- SOPA: 3.2 Bodyless Annotations
- SOPA: 4.1 Target Resource
- SOPA: 4.2 Multiple Targets
- SOPA: 5.1 State
- SOPA: 5.2 Selector, uses 5.2.1 Fragment Selector
- SOPA: 5.3 Style
- SOPA: 5.4 Alternative Specifiers
The following are examples depicting how to use the Open Annotation model in common scenarios.
- Simple annotations of Single-Target-Resources
- Annotation of a Webpage with another Webpage
- Annotation of a Webpage with a Textual Note
- Annotation of an Image with a Hypertextual Note
- Inline Comment on an Image
- Comment on a Video
- Annotation of a Document with a Video
- Annotation of a Video with a Video
- Simple annotations of Multiple Target Resources
- Comment on Multiple Images
- Description of Multiple Webpages
- Simple annotations of Resource Fragments
- Highlight of Text Fragment
- Highlight of Image Fragment
- Comment on Text Fragment
- Comment on Image Fragment
- Comment on a Video Fragment
- Tagging a Text Fragment
- Georeferencing a Historic Map
- Commenting a Region on a Historic Map
Note: In some browsers/applications free text tags can be associated to improve bookmarks search and sorting.