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Main Page
From Extensible Web Community Group
Welcome on the Extensible Web Community Group wiki!
The Extensible Web Community Group is an open source community attempting to standardize how developers can extend browsers capabilities via scripting (i.e., pollyfills and shims).
What can you find here
We're using this website to
- Explain the goal of our work.
- Publish general guidelines for prolyfill creators.
- Develop and maintain partnerships to create common solutions to make it easier to prollyfill.
- Maintain a list of prolyfills for existing or new specifications.
- Research
How can I contribute
You can contribute by
- Expand the list of prolyfills.
- Expand the tooling for building prollyfills.
- Sharing your experience on the mailing list of our group.
- Talking about this group, its aims or goals on your blog, or other social media.