Optimization of energy use through flexible demand-response to reduce peak loads in building through shifting/postponing consumption peaks

From Linked Building Data Community Group
  • Title: Optimization of energy use through flexible demand-response to reduce peak loads in building through shifting/postponing consumption peaks .
  • Description: This use case is concerned with optimization of energy use at certain times in the building by adapting the end-user behaviour to the capacity of energy production. The customer will accumulate bonuses/rewards (equating to money) by shifting their energy consuming behaviour. The electricity provider will provide a tool to help the customer manage their energy and better understand the breakdown of energy consuming devices.
  • Data Domain(s): Building Devices, Building Communication, Energy
  • Objectives: Reduce peak consumption, CO2 emissions and improve integration of renewable energy.
  • Stakeholders: Electricity provider, customer/end-user.
  • Requirements: Building owner requirements: Building program, Space Group Program, Space Program, Visual comfort, Quality, Energy
  • LD benefits:
  1. structured vocabularies allow data integration
  2. logical basis allows inference
  • Challenges:
  1. dealing with legacy protocols for BAS