This wiki has been archived and is now read-only.
Scope for work done by this group
If we can produce a series of statements to use to evaluate candidate work items, then we have a way to move forwards
E.g. Any work done by this group must be of use to other W3C working groups. Fairly easy to assess a candidate work item, even if it is subjective?
Suggestions please.
Things we could work on
Markup usage
How is markup used in the wild? Are the semantics of HTML elements changing because of the way people are using it. Does the expected usage, as defined in the HTML specification match reality?
Research method
Statistical analysis.
http://code.google.com/webstats/ http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/mama/
API design patterns
How do libraries/frameworks change JavaScript (or design APIs) to make them easier to use?
Research method
We could interview lead architects for each project about their approach.
http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/mama-scripting-syntax-and-features/ http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/mama-script-tokenization-javascript-dom/