
From Community Group Only Output (Turtle) Source for Gruffalo (LCCN 98033893)

@prefix bf: <> . @prefix bflc: <> . @prefix madsrdf: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix schema: <> . @prefix xml: <> . @prefix xsd: <> .

<> a schema:Book,

       schema:CreativeWork ;
   schema:description "A clever mouse uses the threat of a terrifying creature to keep from being eaten by a fox, an owl, and a snake--only to have to outwit that creature as well." ;
   schema:exampleOfWork <> ;
   schema:name "The gruffalo" ;
   schema:sdDatePublished "2020-01-16" ;
   schema:sdLicense <> ;
   schema:sdPublisher <> ;
   schema:sku "PZ8.3.D7235 Gr 1999" .

<> a schema:DefinedTerm ;

   schema:name "Mice--Fiction." .

<> a schema:DefinedTerm ;

   schema:name "Animals--Fiction." .

<> a schema:DefinedTerm ;

   schema:name "Stories in rhyme." .

<> a schema:Book,

       schema:CreativeWork ;
   schema:about <>,
       <> ;
   schema:author <> ;
   schema:contributor <> ;
   schema:description "A clever mouse uses the threat of a terrifying creature to keep from being eaten by a fox, an owl, and a snake--only to have to outwit that creature as well." ;
   schema:inLanguage "eng" ;
   schema:name "The gruffalo" ;
   schema:sdDatePublished "2020-01-16" ;
   schema:sdLicense <> ;
   schema:sdPublisher <> ;
   schema:workExample <> .

<> a schema:Person ;

   schema:name "Scheffler, Axel" .

<> a schema:Person ;

   schema:name "Donaldson, Julia" .

<> a schema:Book,

       schema:Product ;
   schema:datePublished "1999",
       "c1999" ;
   schema:description "A clever mouse uses the threat of a terrifying creature to keep from being eaten by a fox, an owl, and a snake--only to have to outwit that creature as well.",
       "col. ill." ;
   schema:exampleOfWork <> ;
   schema:isbn "0803723865" ;
   schema:name "The gruffalo" ;
   schema:numberOfPages "1 v. (unpaged)" ;
   schema:publisher [ a schema:Organization ;
           schema:name "Dial Books for Young Readers" ] ;
   schema:sdDatePublished "2020-01-16" ;
   schema:sdLicense <> ;
   schema:sdPublisher <> .

[] a schema:Place ;

   schema:name "New York" .