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From Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group
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Open issues

  • I'm hesitant about step 2. This is probably a question that will be duplicated in another step. We should think of a way to avoid duplicate work across multiple tests. Couple of thoughts: We could include a 'cache' suggestion, that tells the test to store the results of a question for a particular element to be reused later. Alternatively we could simply make a note of this possibility. There are probably other solutions too - now Step 1

Wilco Fiers (talk) 09:46, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

Ready for review

  • Help text step 4: Do we need to explain the term 'alternative version'? - Steps 4 and 5: merged; Changed text

Twan van Houtum (talk) 14:40, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

  • What about audio files that don't include an extention? Should we also look at MIME-types? - Selector: - added mimetype-check and audio element
  • Are their ways to play audio through scripts, without touching the DOM? Because that would not be picked up by the selector. Assumptions: - Added client-side generated audio
  • Step 1 isn't useful for files that don't support vidual cues. Also it's quite implausible that video formats would be used for audo-only. Technically it could be, but this seems such an uncommon scenario I'd be pretty comfortable putting that case in the assumptions - Assumptions: - Excluded audio played in video element. / Step 1: removed
  • Step 3: The help text should explain what 'solely for decorative purposes' means. I'm not even sure we want to use that term at all as it's dense with WCAG terminology, which we don't require the users to know. - Step 2: - added example to question
  • Merge step 4 and 5. I think these work fine as a single step. Also, like the previous comment. We don't require the users to know WCAG terminology, so we should avoid it where we can, and shouldn't rely on it. - Steps 4 and 5: merged

Wilco Fiers (talk) 09:46, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

  • If audio is purely decorative, it should not fail - Added Step 3 to ask user

Wilco Fiers (talk) 14:55, 5 March 2015 (UTC)

  • Should we consider different sources of audio? Perhaps audio that is inserted through object or even the video element? - changed selector to check for media-filetypes

Wilco Fiers (talk) 14:38, 26 February 2015 (UTC)

Closed issues