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This test belongs to 3.2.2 On Input.


Version For review


This test checks form controls outside form elements.



  • This test case assumes that forms controls outside <form> elements use another way to submit the form data.

Test properties

Property Possible values
Success Criterion 3.2.2 On Input
Test mode SemiAuto
Test environment DOM (+ server connection ???)
Test subject single web page
User expertise and skills basic understanding of HTML and WCAG
User profile

Test procedure


Test mode: earl:automatic

Select input[@type='radio'], input[@type='checkbox'], or select not contained in a form element.

Step 1

Test mode: earl:automatic

Does the form control have a non-empty event-handler attribute?

If no, return

Property Value
TestCase SC3-2-2-input-select
Identifier SC3-2-2-input-select-pass1
Outcome passed
Pointer position

If yes, continue with #Step 2.

Step 2

Test mode: earl:manual

User input question

Item presented to the user: selected form controls

Question: Is there an explanation of what will happen when the control is changed available prior to the controls activation?

Answer options: "yes/no"

Help text: Changing a control means checking a checkbox or changing the selected option in a list control. If the web page contains an explanation what will happen when a control is changed before the form, please answer "yes". Else, answer "no".

Repair suggestion: none

Properties of the test step:

  • context-sensitive = yes
  • user interaction (with the web content) required = no

If no, return

Property Value
TestCase SC3-2-2-input-select
Identifier SC3-2-2-form-input-select-fail1
Outcome failed
ErrorMessage Explanation about context change missing.
Pointer position

Else, return

Property Value
TestCase SC3-2-2-input-select
Identifier SC3-2-2-input-select-pass2
Outcome passed
Pointer position